Online Support

This is a moderated forum for the online self learning course about the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10). This forum has been developed to:

    1. Assist users with any issues or problems discovered as you work through the ICD online training or to
    2. Improve the tool, by leaving comments for the training developers.

At this stage of development, the training tool may still undergo some changes, based on input from you and other sources.

Access the ICD training at WHO ICD website or enter the tool directy.

The forum is moderated by members of the World Health Organization Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) Network Education Committee.

For further information about the Network, please visit

Register and then you can access the current discussions. Please find the relevant links on the left side in the navigation bar.

The types of comments and questions include:

• Queries related to exercises contained within the training tool;

• Problems you have experienced with navigating through the tool;

• Suggestions for improving either the content or the structure of the tool;

• Topics that you believe should be considered for inclusion in future releases of the training tool;

• General feedback about the training tool (eg too easy, too difficult, language not clear).

Questions that relate to specific coding issues that are beyond the content of the training should be directed to your closest WHO-FIC collaborating centre.

This is a moderated forum; questions and comments are prepared by the moderator and posted on a weekly basis. You can comment on posts that have been submitted by other users as well as submitting issues of your own.

You will be required to register and provide some details about yourself before you are able to submit a comment or question.