My Background
I am currently an Ear Nose and Throat surgeon in NHS Lothian and an Honorary Clinical Reader at Edinburgh University.
My background is in ENT surgery, however I chose to specialize in head and neck surgery, for both benign and malignant conditions. Following standard UK higher surgical training, I completed advanced fellowship training in Guys and St Thomas' Hospital, London and then further super specialised training in one of the world's most highly regarded head and neck cancer hospitals: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York.
As well as achieving the highest possible clinical training, I have always been passionate about research. I am current head and neck cancer lead for NHS Lothian. I am involved in multi centre studies in head and neck / thyroid surgery.
During my career I have attraced press interest for both cancer work and minimally invasive head and neck surgery.
In contrast to most UK doctors I am very active in research both in the UK and on an international front. I am a recognised world expert in the management of thyroid cancer, having written a PhD on the subject. I regularly teach and present work on this subject at national and international meetings. My major interest is in the conservative management of well differentiated thyroid cancer.
I have spoken across the UK, Europe and North America on the subject and national and international levels, with special recognition from the Royal Society for Medicine, the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists, the New York Head and Neck Society, the American Head and Neck Society and the American Thyroid Association. My research has been hilighted in national news coverage as seen here.
Click here to see a summary of my academic achievements.
Having completed my training I worked for 2 years in East Kent as an ENT consultant before taking up my current academic position in Edinburgh.
To learn more, see my resume, or contact me with any questions.