Prof. Hayoung Oh (오하영 교수)
Hayoung Oh (오하영)
Ph.D., Seoul National University (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering), Korea, 2006.09 - 2013.02 (Advisor : Chong-kwon Kim)
Associative Professor : Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, 2020.03~Now
Assistant Professor : Ajou University, Korea, 2016. 09 - 2020.02
Assistant Professor : Soongsil University, Korea, 2013. 09 - 2016.08
Research Professor : University of Seoul, Korea, 2013. 03 - 2013. 08
Visiting Student : U.C Berkeley, USA, 2010. 03 - 2010. 10 (Advisor : Scott Shenker)
R&D : Shinhan Financial Group e-shinhan, Korea, 2001. 11 - 2004. 02
Ph.D Thesis
Markov Decision Process(MDP) based Network Coding Scheme for Mobile Video Streaming over Unreliable Wireless Links - In mathematics, a Markov decision process (MDP) is a discrete-time stochastic control process. It provides a mathematical framework for modeling decision making in situations where outcomes are partly random and partly under the control of a decision maker. MDPs are useful for studying optimization problems solved via dynamic programming. MDPs were known at least as early as the 1950s; a core body of research on Markov decision processes resulted from Ronald Howard's 1960 book, Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes. They are used in many disciplines, including robotics, automatic control, economics and manufacturing. The name of MDPs comes from the Russian mathematician Andrey Markov as they are an extension of Markov chains.
Research interests
Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Digital Therapeutics(DTx) and Multimodal Analysis
a Roman Catholic
0) 2022.06~2025.02 연구재단 기본연구(A Study on Next-generation A.I. Federated Learning Framework for Eco-friendly Deep Reinforcement Learning)
1) 2017.05~2020.04 연구재단 기본연구(A Study on an integrated framework for eco-friendly communication in the cognitive Internet of Things (IoT) environment)
2) 2014.05~2017.04 연구재단 신진연구(A Study on eco-friendly wireless communication techniques in cognitive networks based on network coding)
Journals (International-SCI, SCIE, SSCI) and Major conferences
- Jiyoon Lee, Hyejin Park and Hayoung Oh, "FinTab-LLaVA: Finance Domain-Specific Table Understanding Multimodal LLM using FinTMD", Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), in Sydney, Australia, from June 10–13, 2025.
- Mi Rae Kim, Kyu-Beom Hwang, Hayoung Oh, Yehwi Park, Chaerim Park, Chungyeon Lee and Mina Kim, "MILD Bot: Multidisciplinary Childhood Cancer Survivor Question-Answering Bot", The 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing(EMNLP) Industry Track, Nov 2024
- Jinju Park and Hayoung Oh, "Dynamic Automated Labeling System for Real-time User Intention Analysis", IEEE Access, Dec. 2023 (SCIE)
- YUSUNG AN, DONGJU KIM, JUYEON LEE, Hayoung Oh, JOO-SIK LEE, AND DONGHWA JEONG, "Topic Modeling-Based Framework for Extracting Marketing Information From E-Commerce Reviews", IEEE Access, Dec. 2023 (SCIE)
- Geonju Lee, Dabin Park and Hayoung Oh, "Methodology of Labeling According to 9 Criteria of DSM-5", Appl. Sci. (Applied Sciences), Sep. 2023 (SCIE)
- Dabin Park, Semin Lim, Yurim Choi and Hayoung Oh, "Depression Emotion Multi-Label Classification Using Everytime Platform with DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria", IEEE Access, Sep. 2023 (SCIE)
- Mi Rae Kim, Kyu-Beom Hwang, Hayoung Oh, Heejin Kim and Mina Kim, "Can a chatbot be useful in childhood cancer survivorship? Development of a chatbot for survivors of childhood cancer", The 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM Poster), Oct. 2023
- Yusung An, Hayoung Oh and Joo-Sik Lee, "Marketing Insights from Reviews Using Topic Modeling with BERTopic and Deep Clustering Network", Appl. Sci. (Applied Sciences), Aug. 2023 (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh, Jiyoon Lee, Joo-Sik Lee, Sung Min Kim, Sechang Lim, Dongha Jung, "Which influencers can maximize PCR of e-commerce?", ELECTRONICS, ISSN / eISSN: 2079-9292, June. 2023 (SCIE)
- Jae Dong Oh, Mi Rae Kim , Hye Jin Park and Hayoung Oh, "Are You Depressed? Analyze User Utterances to Detect Depressive Emotions Using DistilBERT", Appl. Sci. (Applied Sciences), May. 2023 (SCIE)
- Junsang Yu and Hayoung Oh,"AI-based Degradation Index from the Microstructure Image and Life Prediction Models based on Bayesian Inference", Sustainability, 15(9), 7298;, April. 2023 (SSCI)
- Suhyun Cho and Hayoung Oh,"Generalized Image Captioning For Multilingual Support", Appl. Sci. (Applied Sciences), 13(4), 2446; (registering DOI), Feb. 2023 (SCIE)
- Rong Ran and Hayoung Oh,"Low‑complexity sparse‑aware multiuser detection for large‑scale MIMO systems", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking volume Mar. 2021 (SCIE)
- Jaehoon Lee, Giseop Noh, Hayoung Oh and Chongkwon Kim,"Trustor Clustering with an Improved Recommender System Based on Social Relationships", Elsevier Information Systems, Volume 77, September 2018 (SCIE)
- Giseop Noh, Hayoung Oh, Jaehoon Lee, "Power Users Are Not Always Powerful: the Effect of Social Trust Clusters in Recommender Systems", Information Sciences, Volume 462, Pages 1-15, September 2018 (SSCI)
- Seohyang Kim, Hayoung Oh and Chongkwon Kim,"eff-HAS: Achieve Higher Efficiency in Data and Energy Usage on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming", KICS Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), June 2018. (SCIE)
- Giseop Noh, and Hayoung Oh,"A Field Study on Concurrent Spare Parts Recommendation in an Airborne Weapon System", Defence Science Journal, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp.282-289, May 2018. (SCIE)
- Sihyun Jeong, Giseop Noh, Hayoung Oh and Chongkwon Kim,"Follow Spam Detection based on Cascaded Social Information", Elsevier Information Sciences, Volume 369, Pages 481–499, November 2016. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh,"Mobility-Aware Video Streaming in MIMO-Capable Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Oct. 2016. (SCIE)
- Seohyang Kim, Hayoung Oh and Chongkwon Kim,"Energy Cognitive Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP", KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, June. 2015. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh and Rong Ran,"Stochastic Policy-based Wireless Energy Harvesting in Green Cognitive Radio Network", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, June. 2015. (SCIE)
- Rong Ran and Hayoung Oh,"Adaptive Sparse Random Projections for Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting Constraints", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, April. 2015. (SCIE)
- Giseop No, Hayoung Oh, Kyu-haeng Lee and Chongkwon Kim,"Toward Trustworthy Social Network Services: A Robust Design of Recommender Systems", Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), April. 2015. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh and Sanghyun Ahn,"A Full-duplex Relay based Hybrid Transmission Mechanism for the MIMO-capable Cooperative ITS", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), April. 2015. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh,"Optimal Stochastic Policies in a network coding capable Ad Hoc Networks", KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Dec. 2014. (SCIE)
- Giseop No, Hayoung Oh, Young-myoung Kang and Chongkwon Kim,"PSD: Practical Sybil Detection Schemes Using Stickiness and Persistence in Online Recommender Systems", Elsevier Information Sciences, May. 2014. (SCIE)
- Giseop No, Young-myoung Kang, Hayoung Oh and Chongkwon Kim,"Robust Sybil attack defense with information level in online recommender systems", Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA) of Elsevier, Sep. 2013. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh and Chongkwon Kim,"Network Coding-Based Mobile Video Streaming over Unreliable Wireless Links", IEEE Communications Letters, Feb. 2013. (SCI)
- Hayoung Oh,"A Robust Mobile Video Streaming in Heterogeneous Emerging Wireless Systems", KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Sep. 2012. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh, Joon Yoo, Chongkwon Kim and Sang hyun Ahn,"VMIPv6: A Seamless and Robust Vehicular MIPv6 for Vehicular Wireless Networks and Vehicular Intelligent Transportation Systems (V-Winet/V-ITS)", Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), May 2010. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh, Kibaek Yoo, Jongkeun Na and Chongkwon Kim," A Seamless Handover Scheme in IPv6-Based Mobile Networks", International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 2009. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh, Kibaek Yoo, Jongkeun Na and Chong-kwon Kim "A Robust Seamless Handover scheme for the Support of Multimedia Services in Heterogeneous Emerging Wireless Networks" accepted to Wireless Personal Communications (WPC) of Springer, 2008. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh and Kijoon Chae," An Energy-Efficient Sensor Routing with low latency, scalability for Smart Home Networks," International Journal of Smart Home (IJSH), VOL.1 No.2, July 2007.
- Hayoung Oh, Jiyoung Lim, Kijoon Chae and Jungchan Na," Home Gateway with Automated Rael-Time Intrusion Detection for Secure Home networks", ICCSA 2006, LNCS 3983, May 2006. (SCIE)
- Hayoung Oh, Hyokyung Bahn and Kijoon Chae, "An Energy-Efficient Sensor Routing Scheme for Home Automation Networks," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol.51, No.3, pp.836-839, Aug.2005. (SCI)
Journals (International-Scopus)
- Wonil Choi, Kyungmin Nam, Minwoo Park, Seoyi Yang, Sangyoon Hwang and Hayoung Oh, "Fake review identification and utility evaluation model using machine learning", Front. Artif. Intell., 19 January 2023 (Scopus)
- Hayoung Oh,"Security-aware fair transmission scheme for 802.11 based cognitive IoT", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, June, 2020. (Scopus)
- Ji Hyeon Lee and Hayoung Oh,"Q2 YouTube: Quantitative and Qualitative Information Analysis based Influencer-aware YouTube Channel Ranking Scheme", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Nov., 2019. (Scopus)
- Giseop Noh, Hayoung Oh, and Jaehoon Lee,"Influence Maximization Scheme against Various Social Adversaries", J. lnf. Commun. Converg. Eng. (JICCE) Vol.16, No.4, December, 2018. (Scopus)
- Yi Liang Chen, Rong Ran and Hayoung Oh,"Alternating-Projection-Based Channel Estimation for Multicell Massive MIMO Systems", J. lnf. Commun. Converg. Eng. (JICCE) 16(1): 17-22, Mar. 2018. (Scopus)
- Hayoung Oh and Rong Ran,"An Optimal Energy Commuters Scheme in Two-Way Cooperative VANETs Communications", INFORMATION JOURNAL, Vol.21, No.2, pp.659-670, Feb. 2018. (Scopus)
- Hayoung Oh and Sangsoon Lim,"Light-Weight Routing Protocol in IoT-Based Inter-Device Telecommunication Wireless Environment", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 2352~2361, ISSN: 2088-8708, Oct. 2016. (Scopus)
- Sangsoon Lim and Hayoung Oh,"EETA: An Energy Efficient Transmission Alignment for Wireless Sensor Network Applications", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 2345~2351, ISSN: 2088-8708, Oct. 2016. (Scopus)
- Hayoung Oh, Cliff C. Zou and Soyoung Park,"An Enhanced Community-based Reputation System for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol 8 No 5, pp.2272-2287, ISSN (Print) : 2319-8613, Nov. 2016. (Scopus)
- Hwan Kim, Sanghyun Ahn, Hayoung Oh and Joon-Sang Park,"A Residual Energy Gradient Cognitive Scheme for Cluster Reconstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks", INFORMATION JOURNAL, Vol.18, No.8, pp.659-670, Aug. 2015. (Scopus)
- Hayoung Oh and Sanghyun Ahn,"A Mechanism to Resolve Congestion by Adapting the MIMO Transmission Mode in the MANET Environment", INFORMATION JOURNAL, Vol.17, No.11(A), pp.5387-5396, Nov. 2014. (Scopus)
- Hayoung Oh and Sanghyun Ahn,"Simulation Based Opportunistic Network Coding in Ad Hoc Networks", Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 280, Nov. 2014. (Scopus)
Journals (Domestic)
- 노기섭, 오하영, "인터넷 정보의 초기 특성 및 분야별 다양성 분석", The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences, Vol.43 No.04, pp. 1-9, 2018.04
- 노기섭, 오하영, 이재훈, "소셜 트러스트 클러스터 효과를 이용한 견고한 추천 시스템 설계 및 분석", Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology, VOL.28, NO.1, pp. 241-249, Feb. 2018
- 노기섭, 오하영, 이재훈, "온라인 리뷰 클러스터를 이용한 추천 시스템 성능 향상", Journal of KIISE, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 125-132, Feb. 2018
- 노기섭, 오하영, 이재훈, "대규모 복잡 정보에서 신뢰 클러스터를 이용한 추천 정확도 향상기법 설계", 한국정보통신학회논문지(J. Korea Inst. Inf. Commun. Eng.) Vol. 22, No. 1 : 17~25, Jan. 2018
- 오하영, 구 은 희, "소셜 기반 안드로이드 마켓에서 악성 앱 경향성 분석", Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology, VOL.27, NO.6, pp. 1-8, Dec. 2017
- 오하영, 구 은 희, "부분적 관찰정보기반 견고한 안드로이드 앱 추천 기법", Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology, VOL.27, NO.6, pp. 1-8, Dec. 2017
- 오하영, "안드로이드 앱 추천 시스템을 위한 Sybil공격과 Malware의 관계 분석", Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology, VOL.26, NO.5, pp. 1-8, Oct. 2016
- 오하영, "동시출현 단어분석 기반 스팸 문자 탐지 기법", Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology, VOL.26, NO.3, ISSN 2288-2715(Online), pp. 693-700, Jun. 2016
- Jaehoon Lee, Hayoung Oh, Chong-kwon Kim, "이분법 선호도를 고려한 강건한 추천 시스템", Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology 26(4), pp. 953-960, 2016.8
- 노태완, 오하영, 노기섭, 김종권, "상태 정보를 활용하여 악의적 사용자의 영향력을 최소화하는 추천 알고리즘", 정보보호학회 논문지, vol.25, No.6, pp. 1365-1372 (2015.12)
- 노태완, 오하영, 노기섭, 김종권, "시빌 유형을 고려한 견고한 추천시스템", 한국정보과학회, 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 21(10), pp. 670-679 (2015.10)
- 김서향, 오하영, 김종권, "버퍼 기반 에너지 통신모드 기회적 제어를 통한 동적 적응 비디오 스트리밍", 한국정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 제 21권 제 7호, pp. 458-463 (2015.7)
- 김서향, 오하영, 김종권, "기회주의적 네트워크에서 노드의 그룹 친밀성 정보를 이용한 메시지 전달 기법", 한국정보과학회 논문지 제 42권 제 7호, pp. 929-938 (2015.7)
- 정시현, 노기섭, 오하영, 김종권, "소셜 네트워크 기반 대량의 SMS 스팸 데이터 재구성 기법", 정보과학회논문지 제42권 제6호 (ISSN: 2383-630X(Print)/6296(Online)), (2015년 6월)
- 오하영, "온라인 소셜 네트워크에서 역 사회공학 탐지를 위한 비지도학습 기법", KIPS Tr. Software and Data Eng., Vol.4, No.3 pp.129~134, (2015년 4월)
- 오하영, "네트워크 코딩 기반 저탄소 및 친환경 인지 라디오 네트워크", 정보과학회논문지, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 130-137, (2015년 1월)
- 정시현, 노기섭, 오하영, 김종권, "소셜 네트워크 내 경쟁 집단에의 영향력 최대화 기법", 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 40-45, (2015년 1월)
- 노기섭, 정시현, 김종권, 오하영, "Stationary 분포를 이용한 군수지원 우선순위 결정 및 추천 알고리즘 설계", 정보과학회논문지 제41권 제12호, 1075-1080 (6 pages), (2014년 12월)
- 오하영, "사물 인터넷 기반 기기 간 통신 무선 환경에서 향상된 RPL 기반 경량화 라우팅 프로토콜", 정보처리학회지 (ISSN: 1226-9182) 3권 10호, 357p~363 (6 pages), (2014년 10월)
- 오하영, 임상순, "손실이 있는 무선 링크에서 혼잡을 최소화하는 네트워크 코딩 기법", 정보과학회논문지 : 정보통신 제41권 제4호, 186-191 (6 pages), (2014년 8월)
- 노기섭, 오하영, 이재훈, 이규행, 김종권, "전장에서의 자동 표적추천 및 효율적 교전전략 생성 알고리즘", 정보과학회논문지: 소프트웨어 및 응용 제 41권 제 4 호, (2014년 4월)
- 오하영, 김종권, "자동차 무선 네트워크 환경에서 연속적이고 견고한 IPv6기반의 이동성 프로토콜", 한국정보과학회 논문지(ISSN : 1229-7739), 2010년 4월.
- 유준, 황재룡, 오하영, 김종권, "VANET에서의 DTN 라우팅, "정보과학회지 제27권 제9호, (2009년 9월)
- 오하영, 리준걸, 김종권, "DCF와 DCF with XOR에서 동적인 트래픽 상태에 따른 네트워크 코딩 지연시간 분석, "한국 정보과학회논문지(ISSN : 1229-7739) 36권 3호, pp.251~255, (2009년 6월)
- 오하영, 채기준, 방효찬, 나중찬, "IPv6 네트워크 환경에서의 효율적인 보안관리 방안, "한국 정보처리학회논문지 12-C권 (2007년 2월)
- 김미희, 오하영, 채기준, "데이터 마이닝을 이용한 공격 탐지 메커니즘의 실험적 비교 연구, "한국 통신학회논문지 31권 2C호, No.27, pp.208~218, 2006년 2월.
- 황경애, 오하영, 임지영, 채기준, 나중찬, "실시간 침입탐지를 위한 자기 조직화 지도(SOM)기반 트래픽 속성 상관관계 메커니즘," 한국 정보처리학회논문지 12-C권 제 7호, pp.649-658, 2005년 10월
- 천은미, 도인실, 오하영, 박소영, 이주영, 채기준, 이상호, 나재훈,"센서 네트워크에서의 안전한 통신을 위한 클러스터 기반 키 분배 구조," 한국정보처리학회논문지 12-C권 제 4호, pp.473-480, 2005년 8월
Conference (International)
- Jihyeon Lee, Hayoung Oh, “YouTube aware Personalized Ranking System for Future ICT Education", ICTC 2018, Jeju, Korea on Oct., 17-19, 2018
- Hyonam Jeon, Hayoung Oh, and Jaejun Lee “Machine Learning based Fast Reading Algorithm for Future ICT based Education", ICTC 2018, Jeju, Korea on Oct., 17-19, 2018
- Seohyang Kim, Hayoung Oh, and Chongkwon Kim, “ePF-DASH: Energy-Efficient Prefetching Based Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP", 2015 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp 2015), Jeju Island, Korea on Feb. 9~11, 2015
- Junwei Jin, Sanghyun Ahn and Hayoung Oh, “A Multipath Routing Protocol Based on Bloom Filter for Multi-hop Wireless Networks", The 29th edition of the International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2015), Siem Reap, Cambodia on Jan. 12~14, 2015
- Giseop Noh and Hayoung Oh, “Influence level-based Sybil Attack Resistant Recommender Systems", The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking (SocialCom2014), Sydney Australia on Dec. 3~5, 2014
- Hayoung Oh and Sanghyun Ahn, “A Compensation-based Cooperative Mechanism to Improve the Performance of IEEE 802.11 WLANs", The 9th KIPS International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE 2014), Guam, USA on Dec. 17~ 19, 2014
- Hayoung Oh, Sanghyun Ahn and Yang Cheng, “An Opportunistic Transmission Mechanism for Seamless Video Streaming in the MIMO-capable Wireless Ad Hoc Network", The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN2014), Shanghai, China on July 8~11, 2014
- Sanghyun Ahn and Hayoung Oh, “A Traffic Control Mechanism for the MIMO-based MANET", International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Processing Technology (CAIPT2014), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on June 27~28, 2014 (scopus)"A Mechanism to Resolve Congestion by Adapting the MIMO Transmission Mode in the MANET Environment", Information Journal, Vol.17, No.11(A), pp.5387-5396, November, 2014
- Hayoung Oh and Sanghyun Ahn, “Simulation based opportunistic network coding in Ad hoc networks", The 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE 2013), Danang, Vietnam on Dec. 18~20, 2013 (scopus) Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 280, 2014, pp 827-842
- Hayoung Oh, Junjie Lee and Chong-kwon Kim, “A Flow-based Hybrid Mechanism to Improve Performance in NOX and wireless OpenFlow switch networks", 2011 IEEE 74st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Sep 2011
- Young-myoung Kang, Jaehyuk Choi, Hayoung Oh and Chong-kwon Kim, “An MIM-Aware Association Control Scheme for OpenFlow Access Points in NOX Architectures", 2011 6st International Conference on Future Internet Technologies (CFI), June 2011
- Hayoung Oh, Junjie Lee, Suchul Lee and Chong-kwon Kim, “iXOR : Intelligent XOR using Holding-x Strategy in Wireless networks", 2011 IEEE 73st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2011
- Hayoung Oh and Chong-kwon Kim, “A Robust handover under analysis of unexpected vehicle behaviors in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network", 2010 IEEE 71st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), May 2010
- Hayoung Oh, Joon Yoo, Chong-kwon Kim and Sang hyun Ahn, “A Novel Mobility Management for Seamless Handover in Vehicle-To-Vehicle/Vehicle-To-Infrastructure (V2V/V2I) Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), 2009.
- Hayoung Oh, and Chong-kwon Kim, “An Auto-mated Network Management using Artificial Intelligent Techniques”, IEEE 17th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, August 20-24, 2009 ( FUZZ-IEEE 2009 ).
- Junjie Lee, Hayoung Oh, Chong-kwon Kim, "A Robust Optical Light-path Establishment Scheme for Core Network Architecture of Future Internet" ,"IEEE Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2008), December, 2008.
- Hayoung Oh, Kibaek Yoo, Chong-kwon Kim, Woo-Jin Yang, Tae- il Kim, Hae-won Jung, "An Enhanced Fast Handover Scheme with Temporal Reuse of CoAs and PBP in IPv6-Based Mobile Networks,"IEEE IMIS, April. 2007.
- Hayoung Oh, Kijoon Chae, "An Energy-Efficient Sensor Routing with low latency, scalability in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, April. 2007.
- Hayoung Oh, Kijoon Chae, "An Efficient Security Management in IPv6 Network via MCGA," IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Feb. 2007.
- Hayoung Oh, Kijoon Chae, HyoChan Bang, JungChan Na, "Comparisons analysis of Security Vulnerabilities for Security Enforcement in IPv4/IPv6," IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Feb. 2006.
- Inshil Doh, Hayoung Oh, Kijoon Chae, "Cluster-based Security Mechanism for Sensor Network Communication," International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, pp.175-189,October 2005.
Conference (Domestic)
- 전준형, 권기용, 오하영- 블루투스 기반 체스 로봇 개발에 관한 연구 : 2014 동계학술발표회(12.18-20, 휘닉스파크).
- 오하영, 유준, 김종권, 안상현- 자동차 무선 네트워크 환경에서 효율적인 IPv6기반의 이동성 프로토콜 : SUMMER WORKSHOP ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, (SWCC), 2009.
- 황재룡, 오하영, 임연섭, 이수철, 김종권 - 파장분할 다중 방식의 광 네트워크에서 분산된 Light-Trail 확장 구조에 관한 연구 : 정보통신분야학회 합동학술대회, 2008
- 오하영, 리준걸, 김종권 - 네트워크 코딩에서 동적인 트래픽 상태에 따른 지연 시간 분석 : SUMMER WORKSHOP ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, (SWCC 2008)
- 리준걸, 오하영, 김종권 - 광 네트워크에서 목적지의 적절한 다중 파장 선택을 통해 충돌 확률을 줄이는 새로운 광 경로 설립 방법 : (SWCC 2008)
- 리준걸, 오하영, 김종권 - 미래 인터넷 코어 망을 위한 전광 경로 설립 방식들의 비교 연구 : Ubiquitous Convergence Technology Workshop & Conference (UCT 2008)
- 오하영, 채기준 - IPv4/IPv6에서 효율적인 보안 관리를 위한 보안 문제 분석 : 한국정보과학회 2005 추계 논문집,2005.11. pp.79-81
- 오하영, 김미희, 황경애, 채기준, 나중찬 - 데이터 마이닝을 이용한 공격 탐지 메커니즘의 실험적 연구 : 제 15회 통신정보합동학술대회(JCCI)논문집,2005.4. pp.194-199
- 오하영, 채기준 - 액티브 네트워크에서의 협업적 구조를 통한 보안 강화 : 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회 2005 논문집,2005.7. pp.223-225
- 유은자, 오하영, 김연희, 음두헌 - WebSiteGen2의 기능 및 구현 : 한국정보과학회 추계 학술발표회 제 28권 2호,2001.10. pp.61-63
Patents (International)
- Hayoung Oh, and Kim Chong-kown, "MOBILE VIDEO STREAMING ENHANCEMENT IN A NETWORK CODING-CAPABLE WIRELESS NETWORK", 출원일(2013.01.07)/출원번호(13/735,870).
- Hayoung Oh, and Kim Chong-kown, "Method for lossless handover in vehicular wireless networks", 출원일(2009.09.18)/출원번호(12/562,502), 등록일(2011.01.20)/등록번호(8,457,143).
- Hayoung Oh, Sungro Yoon, Kibaek Yoo, Chong-kwon Kim, "OVERHEAR-BASED TRANSMITTING CONTROL SYSTEM IN WLANs", 출원일(2007.02.16)/출원번호(11/675,954), 등록일(2010.06.29)/등록번호(7,746,837 B2).
Patents (Domestic)
- Hayoung Oh, and Kim Chong-kown, "Method for lossless handover in vehicular wireless networks", 출원일(2009.07.20)/출원번호(10-2009-0065936), 등록일(2010.12.14)/등록번호(10-1002642)
- Hayoung Oh, Yoon Sung-ro, Yoo ki-baek, Kim Chong-kown, "Overhear-based packet transmitting control system in WLANs and method thereof", 출원일(2007.01.31)/출원번호(10-2007-0009816), 등록일(2008.12.29)/등록번호(10-0877412)
- Hayoung Oh, Mihui Kim, Kijoon Chae, "Energy-Efficient and More-Scalable Sensor Routing Method", 출원일(2005.07.05)/출원번호(1020050060440), 등록일(2006.12.14)/등록번호(1006601150000)