Show Program

Dear program director and lead,

Please take a look the draft show program and make sure the spelling of your program name and performer names. Please send any correction to the following people as soon as possible.

Fang Liu <>

Hanming Tu <>

Ling Gu <>


Please take a look in the final brochure for the program order in the actual show.

1) 10:00 A.M. FOR #13 独唱: 《依然爱你》费腾

2) 10.10 A.M. FOR #3. 相声:《量词用错了》

3) 10:20 A.M. FOR #18. 散文诗朗诵: 匆匆

4) 10:30 A.M. FOR #19. 男女声二重唱:《但愿人长久》

5) 10:40 A.M. FOR #10. 童话剧 《小孔雀和大公鸡》

6) 10:50 A.M. FOR #8 童话剧 《两只老鼠胆子大》

7) 11:00 A.M. FOR #1. 儿童舞蹈 《蓝天蓝》

8) 11.10 A.M. FOR #21 彝族舞蹈《大山的歌》

9) 11.20 A.M. FOR #7 古典舞《桃夭》

10) 11:30 A.M. FOR #9 藏族儿童舞蹈《我的家在日喀则》

11) 11:40 A.M FOR 儿歌表演 & 舞蹈 《好运来》

12) 11:50 A.M. FOR #2 幼儿舞蹈《恭喜发财》

13) 12:00 P.M. FOR #6 少儿现代舞《我爱洗澡》

14) 12:10 P.M. FOR #11 幼儿舞蹈《俏花旦》

15) 12:20 P.M. FOR #17. 京剧: 剑舞-《 霸王别姬》选段

16) 12:30 P.M. FOR #4 舞蹈《风鸣动》

17) 12:40 P.M. FOR #20 独唱 《爱是你我》张若冰

18) 12:50 P.M. FOR #16 健身舞: 成人健身拉丁热舞

19) 01:00 P.M. 大合唱 《让世界充满爱》

Lunch will be provided to all the performers, directors and leads.

Please inform your performers and have them be at the site on time.

Please be there at least 10 minutes before your scheduled time. The rehearsal will be concluded at 1:15 pm.

Final Program Brochure Is Available for Downloading

Thanks to Fang Liu for putting the final program together. The final program has been sent to be printed.

To view the file, please click on the download arrow on the right side.


Show Organization Committee