Huyen Nguyen

Assistant Professor at Université Paris-Saclay, France

Google Scholar profile

Since September 2019, I am an Assistant Professor at Université Paris-Saclay in Orsay, France and a Researcher in ARAI (Augmented Reality - Artificial Intelligence) team in LISN/CNRS, working on Mixed Reality, User Experience, Data Visualisation and Immersive Analytics in a Collaborative framework.

From 2011 to 2014, I was a Teaching Assistant at ISTIC, University of Rennes 1  and a member of Hybrid Team at IRISA/Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique in Rennes, France. I received my Ph.D. in November 2014 from the Department of Computer Science at INSA de Rennes, under the direction of Professor Thierry Duval. My dissertation, entitled "Proposition of New Metaphors and Techniques for 3D Interaction and Navigation Preserving Immersion and Facilitating Collaboration between Distant Users", explored new metaphors and techniques for navigation and manipulation in collaborative virtual environments that improve immersion, awareness, communication and naturalness aspects of 3D interactions between distant users.

From October 2015 to September 2017, I was an OCE postdoctoral fellow at CSIRO in Sandy Bay, Tasmania. Australia. I was working on the GIHH (Global Initiative for Honey bee Health) and VizzzBees (Visual Analytics of Honey bee Behaviour) projects. 

I was also a postdoctoral fellow at EPICentre, UNSW Sydney, NSW, Australia from 2017 to 2019.

My research interests include interaction techniques preserving the immersion of users and facilitating collaboration between multiple users in extended reality. I am also interested in human-computer interaction, user experience and human factors, and immersive analytics in collaborative extended reality context.

Since 2021, I'm a member of CNRS's CoNRS Section 07 (National Committee of Scientific Research of CNRS).