
We are a research lab at Caltech that uses lasers to control atoms and molecules for table-top experiments in fundamental physics by using and developing techniques that also have applications to nuclear physics, fundamental chemistry, and quantum information.


Click here for archived news

27 August 2024

There will be a technical workshop at Harvard on October 5.  Please click here to learn more.

24 July 2024

Nuclear shiff moment sensitivity paper published in J. Phys. Chem A.

19 July 2024

Congratulations to Chandler and Phelan for winning the APS Early Career Poster Prize at ICAP.

19 July 2024

Paper on measuring molecular parity violation in Penning traps published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

15 July 2024

Paper on "Searching for axion forces with spin precession in atoms and molecules" published in the Journal of High Energy Physics

12 July 2024

Paper on "Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules" published in Reports on Progress in Physics

8 July 2024

Nuclear shiff moment sensitivity paper posted to the arXiv.

17 June 2024

Congratulations to Zitian Ye for winning the the Dr. D. S. Kothari Prize, and to Adele Basturk for winning the the Haren Lee Fisher Memorial Award in Junior Physics!

29 May 2024

Congratulations to Phelan Yu for being selected as a 2024 Tombrello Scholar through the France A Córdova Graduate Student Fund

16 May 2024

Review paper on Quantum sensing and metrology for fundamental physics with molecules published as part of special issue of Nature Physics on Cold and Ultracold Molecules.

1 May 2024

We are grateful to have the Rose Hills Foundation supporting our research.

22 April 2024

Paper on CP-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions published in Phys. Rev. A

15 April 2024

Congratulations Dr. Zeng!

21 February 2024

Lectures from CIQC/IPAM Winter School in Quantum Information Science are now posted.

19 January 2024

Paper about enhancing atom-molecule collisions via atomic Rydberg excitation published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

20 December 2023

Paper on CP-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions posted to the arXiv.

8 December 2023

Thanks to Arian for sharing his Science Journey.

9 November 2023

Paper on Quantum control of trapped polyatomic molecules for eEDM searches published in Science.

 November 2023

Paper on entanglement-enhanced EDM measurement published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

31 October 2023

Paper on Engineering Field-Insensitive Molecular Clock Transitions for Symmetry Violation Searches was published in Phys. Rev. Lett, and featured in Physics Magazine.

18 October 2023

Paper on measuring electroweak nuclear properties with molecular ions posted to the arXiv.

13 October 2023

We are grateful for having been selected to receive a De Logi Science and Technology Grant to support our work with exotic nuclei.

30 August 2023

Congratulations to Yi for winning the 2023 Hilbert Optical Design Award for his design of a Non-Resonant Cavity for Multi-Pass Laser Intensity Buildup.

31 July 2023

Paper on characterizing the YbOH bending mode published in the New Journal of Physics.

17 July 2023

Paper on "Optical cycling in polyatomic molecules with complex hyperfine structure" published in PRA.

12 July 2023

Proposal for quantum metrology for EDM searches posted to the arXiv.

5 July 2023

Paper about enhancing atom-molecule collisions via Rydberg excitation posted to the arXiv.

29 June 2023

Polyatomic laser cooling intensity-borrowing paper has been published.

23 June 2023

Welcome HSRC 2023!

21 June 2023

Congratulations to Adele Basturk for winning the C. S. Shastry Prize, and to Nachiket Bhanushali for winning the Haren Lee Fisher Memorial Award.

19 June 2023

Recordings of ITAMP Winter School 2023 have now been posted.

2 June 2023

Paper on molecular repump spectroscopy published in Phys. Rev. A as an Editor's Suggestion.

1 June 2023

Polyatomic laser cooling intensity-borrowing paper posted on the arXiv.

25 May 2023

Congratulations to Chandler Conn for being selected as a 2023 Tombrello Scholar through the France A Córdova Graduate Student Fund, and to Yuiki Takahashi for winning the 2023 John S. Stemple Memorial Prize.

23 May 2023

Congratulations, Dr. Arian Jadbabaie!

We are extremely grateful to have received support from the following sources:

Researchers in our group have received fellowships supported by:

SURF Fellowships:

Bill Davis

James C. Whitney

Aerospace Corporation

Caltech Associates 

Thomas Lauritsen

Mark Reinecke

David L. Goodstein

Toni and Bob Perpall

Carol Casey

Robert L. Blinkenberg

WAVE Fellowships:

Google Quantum

Kavli Nanoscience Institute (KNI)


Student awards:

C. S. Shastry

Richard G. Brewer

France A. Córdova Fund/Tombrello Scholarship

Graduate Fellowships:

Roy T. Eddleman

Masason Foundation

Dominic Orr

Postdoctoral Fellowships:

David and Ellen Lee