Community Support
Every other year Humboldt County hosts a Children’s Author Festival. Twenty-five authors fly in from all over the United States. For two full days these authors inspire, delight, and encourage a love for books and reading in thousands of children, while visiting sixty plus schools in Humboldt County.
The biennial festival is produced by a dedicated group of librarians, teachers, and other community members, who volunteer their time and energies to bring this upbeat event to enrich our local schools.
The festival is paid for in part by a book sale and author signing event held at our Humboldt County Library in Eureka for the general public. We also receive financial help from: Friends of the Redwood Libraries, the Humboldt Library Foundation, and the Humboldt Area Foundation. Each year expenses have increased, creating a funding challenge.
We realized that we really had not reached out to our community for support. Now we are offering an avenue for the community to give a financial helping hand so that the Children’s Author Festival will continue to enrich the lives of our children.
Would you consider becoming a Business Sponsor or Adopting an Author to continue this tradition begun by community members committed to literacy since 1974? Would your Book Club like to support these efforts to share the love of reading to all children in Humboldt County?
$2,000-$10,000 Level
Logo on Festival posters
Link on our web page to your business website
Logo on our sponsor boards that hang at all our events
Two banquet tickets
$1,000 Level
Logo on Festival posters
Link on our web page to your business website
Logo on our sponsor boards that hang at all our events
Two banquet tickets
$500 Level
Link on our web page to your business website
Logo on our sponsor boards that hang at all our events
$250 Level
Link on our web page to your business website
Logo on our sponsor boards that hang at all our events
All sponsors are invited to the Welcome Authors Reception at the Morris Graves Museum in Eureka at 6:00 pm on the first Wednesday evening of the festival.
To sponsor the Humboldt County Children's Author Festival, print out this brochure.
Choose how you want to adopt an author:
Fly an author to Humboldt County for $500
Pay hotel lodging for an author for $250
Feed an author for $125
Friend to an author for $50
All sponsors are invited to the Welcome Authors Reception at the Morris Graves Museum in Eureka at 6:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday evening of the Festival.
Public acknowledgment of sponsor's name will be made on the posters at the book sale, the welcome reception, and the banquet.
To adopt an author, print out this brochure.