ECON 251 Microeconomics, Summer 2012

Student Comments

  • The best instructor I've had so far!

  • My instructor showed his enthusiasm in this class and tried to develop his student's interest in this subject.

  • Well organized, easy to follow.

  • Everything was explained well and in a way that was easy to understand. The notes helped me to retain info more.

  • I like how numerous examples on a single topic are covered. It helps reinforce the content of the lecture.

  • He makes sure that we understand the subject and will go back and explain it as many times as you need him to. Made class fun.

  • He is very helpful and willing to help the students to get a better understanding of the materials we learned.

  • Really appreciate his help when someone needs extra explanation on some portion of the study.

  • I like how the instructor is very open and friendly. Loved how he made his accent his own and wasn't conscious about it.

  • I appreciate that the notes are delivered in a fashion that allows the student to follow with the lesson and that the instructor takes the time to give explanation to the notes and given lessons.