– Office Setup Product Key –

Microsoft Office has been a pioneering breakthrough. Throughout the past couple of decades, Office saw some substantial updates with the accession of new features every time, and the latest Office Setup available today is the Office 2019, which can be downloaded from and also the latest version has eight variants – Microsoft Office Enterprise, Professional, Professional Plus, Home and Business 2019, Home and Student 2019.

  1. Go to for Office Setup.

  2. Sign In or Create a new Microsoft Account.

  3. Find your Office Product Key.

  4. Enter Microsoft Office Product key.

  5. Select your Country and Language.

  6. Download Office Setup and follow On-Screen instructions.

  7. Finish the Installation Process and Run the Applications.

How to Install Office Setup on Windows

  1. Go to for Office Setup.

    1. Open your browser, visit or and select the Office product you want to install.

  2. Sign In to your Microsoft Office Account.

    1. Sign In to your account at or, to complete the purchase and setup office. If you, however, do not have a Microsoft Account, you’ll have to create one.

  3. Find your Office Product Key.

    1. Find the Product key of your Microsoft Office in your email associated with your office or find it on the box if bought from a retail store.

  4. Enter your Microsoft Office Product Key.

    1. Once you have logged in to your account or created a new one, you have to enter the Product key in the orange area. Select your country and the language you want.

  5. Download and Install Office.

    1. Once you have entered the correct information, you can begin downloading the software. Follow the on-screen directions and start downloading your registered copy of Microsoft Office.

  6. Run the Activation wizard.

    1. Once you run the office installer you need to follow on-screen instructions that appear on the screen. Now, We just need to wait for the office setup to go through the installation process.

  7. Open and Run office Applications.

    1. As soon as the installation is complete open any office app and you will get a welcome screen with a message “You’re All Set” and that office is activated.

How to Install Office Setup on Mac

1. Log into your office 365 account and you will get redirected to the download page. In case you aren’t, you can go to settings and then pick the Software.

2. Now, under Install, Select that button to start downloading the installer package.

3. Now, go to Downloads, you will find the installer package under the name Office installer.dmg or some variation of that name, double click it to launch setup. If you are unable to open and setup office, go to office Support Forum.

4. When the first Office screen appears, select Continue to run the office installation process and sign in with your office subscription.

5. Choose how you wish to install the Setup then Continue

Steps to Activate Office Setup

1. After Activating the Setup, go to Launchpad icon in the dock to show all your Microsoft Office apps, then click on the Word icon in the launchpad.

2. A window will pop up, saying what is new in Word. Select the blue button that says Get started to begin the activation process.

3. Enter your email address associated with the Office and your password to sign in.

4. The system will then check if you have entered the valid details to activate and install the product.

5. All the applications were successfully activated.