E-mail: hsimho#gmail.com [@/#]
I am a Lecturer @ University of Sussex.
My research works can be found below or at my DBLP entry.
Journal papers:
Hsi-Ming Ho, Ruoyu Zhou, and Timothy M. Jones.
Information and Computation 280, 104639.
On the Expressiveness and Monitoring of Metric Temporal Logic.
Hsi-Ming Ho, Joël Ouaknine, and James Worrell.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 15(2).
Cyclic-Routing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Nir Drucker, Hsi-Ming Ho, Joël Ouaknine, Michal Penn, and Ofer Strichman.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 103.
Conference/workshop papers:
More than 0s and 1s: Metric Quantifiers and Counting over Timed Words.
Hsi-Ming Ho and Khushraj Madnani.
In submission.
When Do You Start Counting? Revisiting Counting and Pnueli Modalities in Timed Logics.
Hsi-Ming Ho and Khushraj Madnani.
In submission.
Cinnamon: A Domain-Specific Language for Binary Profiling and Monitoring.
Mahwish Arif, Ruoyu Zhou, Hsi-Ming Ho, and Timothy M. Jones.
Proceedings of CGO 21, 2021.
On Verifying Timed Hyperproperties.
Hsi-Ming Ho, Ruoyu Zhou, and Timothy M. Jones.
Proceedings of TIME 19, 2019.
Revisiting Timed Logics with Automata Modalities.
Hsi-Ming Ho.
Proceedings of HSCC 19, 2019.
Efficient algorithms and tools for MITL model-checking and synthesis.
Thomas Brihaye, Gilles Geeraerts, Hsi-Ming Ho, Arthur Milchior, and Benjamin Monmege.
Proceedings of ICECCS 18, 2018.
Timed-Automata-Based Verification of MITL over Signals.
Thomas Brihaye, Gilles Geeraerts, Hsi-Ming Ho, and Benjamin Monmege.
Proceedings of TIME 17, 2017. Invited to a special issue of Theoretical Computer Science.
MightyL: A Compositional Translation from MITL to Timed Automata.
Thomas Brihaye, Gilles Geeraerts, Hsi-Ming Ho, and Benjamin Monmege.
Proceedings of CAV 17, 2017. Invited to Journal of the ACM.
Thomas Brihaye, Morgane Estiévenart, Gilles Geeraerts, Hsi-Ming Ho, Benjamin Monmege, and Nathalie Sznajder.
Proceedings of FORMATS 16, 2016.
The Cyclic-Routing UAV Problem is PSPACE-Complete.
Hsi-Ming Ho and Joël Ouaknine.
Proceedings of FoSSaCS 15, 2015.
On the Expressiveness of Metric Temporal Logic over Bounded Timed Words.
Hsi-Ming Ho.
Proceedings of RP 14, 2014.
Online Monitoring of Metric Temporal Logic.
Hsi-Ming Ho, Joël Ouaknine, and James Worrell.
Proceedings of RV 14, 2014.