
This used to be a learning ePortfolio of sorts to accompany my PhD journey. It's now more of a companion website to my PhD.

My academic background is in Applied Linguistics, specifically TESOL and language testing. In recent years, my research interests have shifted somewhat to (language) assessment, digital literacies and education in general. I am particularly interested in the assessment of digital literacies, e-learning and e-assessment, formative assessment and assessment literacy issues.

I wrote my master's thesis on the topic of 'Test-taker discourse and assessment criteria in the OET speaking subtest', under the supervision of Prof Tim McNamara. (Download a version of my thesis.) I took a rather uncomplicatedly positivist approach to research then. Since beginning my PhD studies at Lancaster University, however, I have acquired a deeper understanding and appreciation of the qualitative research paradigm. My project on the assessment of digital literacies is supervised by Dr Luke Harding.

My career ePortfolio