Magic Sand

The Magic Of Magic Sand

Magic Sand is an easy experiment that anyone can do, or play with.

Magic Sand may look like regular sand, though different color, but this is no ordinary sand. When regular sand, is pourned into water, ofcourse, it will sink to the bottom. But when you pour magic sand into water and it does not mix. When you look at the sand closely in the water you notice a silver like coating on the sand.

The Materials

The materials you will need to perform this experiment are,

    • Magic sand

    • 2 Beakers

    • Water

    • Spatula

    • Miniture shovel/scooper

How does it works?

Magic Sand can be performed in few easy steps.

Be sure that the sand is not consumed by anyone, this sand can be hazardous. For clean purposes, be sure to wear gloves. It's always a good thing to stay clean.

    1. Fill one beaker with water.

    2. With your spatula, slowly pour the magic sand straight down.

    3. If you look closely, you will see that the sand is not mixing with the water and that it has little silver bubbles around it.

    4. Take your miniture shovel/scooper, and scoop sand out, the sand it completly dry. (If you do not have this object you can always pour the sand out over a sink and use you hand, it will have the same result; dry sand)

What is the scientific principle behind it?

Magic sand is hydrophobic which means it fears water and causes it not to mix. Oil is another example of a hydrophic element. The surface of sand grains is made wet by water which mean water molecules are attracted to sand grains. This is an example of hydrophilic. Magic sand is regular sand that is coated with a polymer which makes it hydrophobic. This is why the magic saind grains like to stay together. Also, the surface tension of the water makes the magic sand float (higher surface tension makes it float). With regular sand, if you pour it out, it will be soggy, but when you pour Magic sand out, it is dry. The reason of this is because of the polymer it has. But, if you pour about 12 drops of liquid detergent in the water and mix them, the soap breaks down the oil coating and reduces it's hydrophibic properties, thous removing the "magic" in magic sand and making it behave as regular sand.

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-Special Thanks to: Mrs. Sakar(: