High resolution automated labelling of the hippocampus and amygdala using a 3D convolutional neural network trained on whole brain 700 µm isotropic 7T MP2RAGE MRI

MRI scans, manual hippocampal and amygdala labels and CNN-based labels (5.6 Gb) can be downloaded from NITRC using the curl software tool:

curl https://hacl.projects.nitrc.org/pardoe_cnnmp2rage_labelling_mri_scans_20200926.tar.gz -o pardoe_cnnmp2rage_labelling_mri_scans_20200926.tar.gz

Code for training the CNN using DeepMedic and analysis of output data: https://github.com/hpardoe/hacl

If you use this dataset please cite our work:

Pardoe, H.R., Antony, A.R., Hetherington, H., Bagić, A.I., Shepherd, T.M., Friedman, D., Devinsky, O. and Pan J. (2021), High resolution automated labeling of the hippocampus and amygdala using a 3D convolutional neural network trained on whole brain 700 µm isotropic 7T MP2RAGE MRI, Human Brain Mapping, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25348