Very Last Day
Very Last Day
Author Unknown
Oh the wolves are gonna bay, on the very last day
When you hear that horn, call you to the fray
Oh the wolves will bay at the heavens on the very last day
Oh you can sing about the wisdom of Odin
And you can talk about the prowess of Thor
But when the Gjallar-horn blows they will all fall
They each will rise no more
Thor fighting hammer in hand,
Seeking 'gainst the worm to stand
Get ready warriors for that day.
Oh the wolves are gonna bay
On the very last day
When you hear that horn
Call you to the fray
Oh the wolves will bay at the heavens on the very last day
Oh, one day soon all men will arm,
As to the battle the giants swarm
And Frey bemoans his bartered blade
Forever lost to the Aesir's aid
Odin fares the Wolf to meet
To his fate on Sleipnir fleet
Warriors, fight your best upon that day
Oh the wolves are gonna bay
On the very last day
When you hear that horn
Call you all away
Oh the wolves will bay at the heavens so the poets say
The Loki’s bonds with burst in twain
As to the battle the dire ship sails
Yea, Loki steers the host of Niflheim
In that ship of dead men's nails
Faring from the Hel-world dire,
Ice clad ships bearing sails of fire
The Aesir meet their wyrd upon that day
Oh the wolves are gonna bay
On the very last day
When you hear that horn
Call you all away
Oh the wolves will eat the sun and the moon on the very last day
And on that dark and dreadful morn
When Heimdall blows that fateful horn
All order then will pass away
With men and Aesir on that day
All that is will then be past
Ragnarok has come at last
You will fight your final fight that day
Oh the wolves are gonna bay
On the very last
When you hear that horn
Call your soul away
That horn will shake the worlds on the very last day