Hongyu Zhang

Primary Email Address: hongyujohn@gmail.com

Google Scholar    DBLP    

I am a Professor and Dean of School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Chongqing University, China. I am also an Honorary Professor at The University of Newcastle, Australia. Previously, I worked at Microsoft Research, and Tsinghua University. I received my PhD degree in Computer Science from School of Computing, National University of Singapore in 2003.

My research is in the area of software engineering, in particular, intelligent software engineering, software analytics, and software fault management. The main theme of my research is to improve software quality and productivity by mining and analyzing software data.  

I am a senior member of IEEE, a Distinguished Member of ACM, a Distinguished Member of CCF, and a Fellow of Engineers Australia (FIEAust). I am a recipient of David Lorge Parnas Fellowship.

I am always open for collaborations! 

Research Area

My research area is software engineering, in particular:

The main theme of my research is to improve software quality and productivity by utilizing knowledge mined from software data. Over the years, a software organization could accumulate large amounts of data including source code, bug reports, execution logs, changes, metrics, documents, and so on. Data mining and machine learning (including deep learning) techniques can be applied to extract knowledge from the software data and solve software engineering problems. Together with my students and collaborators, I have published more than 250 research papers in major international journals and conferences.

According to two independent studies on Bibliometric Assessment of Software Engineering Scholars (2010-2017, 2013-2020), I am among the top 20 most active experienced researchers in software engineering. I was recognized in The Australian’s Top Researchers special edition (September 2020) as the leading researcher in the field of Software Systems. I am among World’s Top 2% Scientists (career-long). According to a recent study, I also have top 3 publications in premium software engineering conferences (worldwide).


Some of my publications can be found here. 

The complete list of  publications are available at:  DBLP and Google Scholar.

I received the following ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper/Artifact Awards and Best Paper Awards:

Research Grants

Tool Development

Program Committee

Program Organization

Journal and Panel Services

I am an associate editor of ACM Computing Surveys, Automated Software Engineering, and Journal of Systems and Software. I am also frequently invited to review submissions to other international journals. 

I am invited to review proposals for Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), European research Council (ERC), Singaporean National Satellite of Excellence, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC), and Australian Research Council (ARC). 

Invited Talks/Keynotes

Visiting Positions

I was a visiting professor/scholar at the following organizations:


I taught the following courses to postgraduate and undergraduate students: 


I am grateful that I have the privilege to advise the following brilliant students/interns:

Liya Chakma, Rongxin Wu (now at Xiamen University), Jian Zhou (now at Baidu), Liang Gong (now at Facebook), Jianxun Yang, Shuijin Lu, Jue Wang (now at Postal Bank), Shuai Chen (now at Facebook), Wei Li (now at Google), Jiangtao Gong (now at Tsinghua), Ke Ma, Bei Shi (now at CUHK), Lu Zhang (now at Virginia Tech), Zeqi Shen, Yu Cao, Bo Zhang, Van-Hoang Le...

Fei Lv (now at Alibaba), Galina Meyer (now at Stanford), Qing Ren (now at UCLA), Pinjia He, Sheng Tian, Wenhao Song, Senlan Yao (now at Google), Bonan Dong (now at Cornell), Xutong Chen, Wangsheng Hu, Hong Wu (now at Morgan Stanley), Jinbo Pan, Xiaodong Gu (now at Shanghai Jiaotong University), Wenxiang Hu (now at Microsoft), Chengxun Shu (now at 4Paradigm), Xingzhao Yue (now at Huawei), Chen Xia (now at UCLA)... 

Note: If I missed any of you accidently, please do email me (and forgive me). Please also let me know your latest status. 

My Erdös number is 4: Hongyu Zhang - Stanislaw Jarzabek - Tomasz Krawczyk - William T. Trotter, Jr. - Paul Erdös 


(Last updated: Dec 2024)

Psalm 67:1-3: May God be gracious to us and bless us, and make his face shine on us, so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.