Kyusik's Homepage

                   May 2022, Photo taken by Prof. Seung-Jo Jung 

I am an Assistant Professor at Jeonju University, Republic of Korea.

I got my Ph. D. at Postech in the Spring of 2009; 

my thesis advisor was Prof. Park, Jihun.

E-mail: kszooj at jj dot ac dot kr

My primary areas of interests include

- Algebraic geometry

The factoriality of threefolds with isolated singularities, The speciality of linear systems through fat points on projective space, Rationality(uni-rationality, rationally connectedness) of nodal threefolds.

- Some problems in Differential geometry

A maximum principle on a complete Riemannian manifold, The spectrum of the Dirac operator on some spin (or spin- c) manifolds.

Academic Positions:

 - Jeonju University, Dept. of Mathematics Education, March 1 2021~ Present; Assistant Professor.

- Korea Institute for Advanced Study, April 1 2021 ~ December 31 2026; Associate Member.

- Korea Institute for Advanced Study, May 2020 ~ February 2021; Project Research Fellow (mentor: Prof. Keum, JongHae).

- Yonsei University, March 2020~ April 2020; Research Fellow.

- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, March 2019~  February 2020; BK21+ Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (mentor: Prof. Kwak, Sijong).

- Korea Institute for Advanced Study, March 2015 ~ February 2019; Research Fellow (mentor: Prof. Hwnag, Jun-Muk).

- Korea Institute for Advanced Study, March 2014 ~ February 2015; Project Research Fellow (mentor: Prof. Hwang, Jun-Muk).

- Konkuk University, March 2013 ~ February 2014; Research Professor.

- Konkuk University, March 2010 ~ February 2013; Post-Doctoral Research Fellow.

- Seoul National University, March 2009 ~ February 2010; BK21 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow.


▶ Korea National Research Foundation 2021.06-2024.02 (NRF-2021R1F1A1059506).


- School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK, March 1~ June 30, 2018.

  (invited by Prof. Ivan Cheltsov)

- Laboratory of algebraic geometry and its applications, National Research University Higher School of Economics / Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, August 10 ~ October 30, 2016.

  (invited by Prof. Yuri Prokhorov & Dr. Shramov)

- RIMS, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, The 3-rd MSJ-SI, Development of galois-Teichmüller Theory and Anabelian geometry, October 25~30, 2010.

  (invited by Mathematical Society of Japan)


1. “On factorial nodal hypersurfaces in 4”, To appear Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 

2. “Kahler-Einstein metrics on smooth Fano toroidal symmetric varieties of  type Alll(with Dongseon Hwang, Kyeong-Dong Park )", International J. Math. Vol.35, No. 07, 2450023 (2024) 

3. “Factorial nodal complete intersection 3-folds in 5 ", J.  Korean Soc. Math. Edu. Ser. B Pure Appl. Math. 29 (2022), No.2, 201-206.

4. “Some irrational quartic threefolds (with Joonyeong Won)”, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 59 (2022), No.2, 361-373.

5. “Alpha invariant for general polarizations of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 (with Joonyeong Won)”, Math. Nachr. Volume 290, Issue 11-12, August 2017, 1689-1700. 

6. “Factorial quartic double solids”, Internat. J. Algebra Comput.25 (2015), no. 7, 1179-1186.

7. “The symmetry of spin-C Dirac spectrums on Riemannian product manifolds (with Chanyoung Sung)”, J. Korean Math. Soc. 52 (2015), No.5, 1037-1049.

8. “Some inequalities for the Omori-Yau maximum principle”, Abstr. Appl. Anal. vol. 2015, Article ID 410896, 7 pages, DOI:10.1155/2015/410896.

9. “Non-factorial quartic double solids”, Adv. Geom. 14:1 (2014), 161-174.

10. “Nonrationality of nodal quartic threefolds”, Pacific J. Math. 266:1 (2013), 31-42. 

11. “An Omori-Yau maximum principle for semi-elliptic operators and Liouville-type theorems (with Chanyoung Sung),” Differential Geom. Appl. 31: 4 (2013), 533-539.

12. “On factorial double solids with simple double points (with Jihun Park)”,  J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 208:1 (2007), 361-369.

Preprints/Works in Progress:

1. “Nodal 3-fold hypersurfaces with zero defect”, submitted.

2. “Irrational quartic 3-folds”, preprint.

3. “Factorial 3-folds with  ordinary multiple points (with Seung-Jo Jung)”, work in progress.

4. “Comparison for the Omori-Yau maximum principle”, work in progress.

5. “Classification of all the factorial quartic hypersurfaces in 4 with nodes”, work in progress.

6. “G-factorial double solids”, in preparation.

Institutional Publication (KIAS, 2015):

-고등과학원에서 수학과 호흡하며... | 홍규식·고등과학원 수학부

Teaching Experiences:

Jeonju University,  2022, 2023

Jeonju University,  Fall 2021

Jeonju University,  Spring 2021

- Mokpo National Univesity, Abstract Algebra and Linear Algebra, April 2019.

- Sejong University, Calculus, April 2017.

- Konkuk University, Mathematics, Spring 2013. 

- Konkuk University, Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1, Summer 2012.

- Konkuk University, Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1, Spring 2012.

- Konkuk University, Mathematics and Exercise 2, Spring 2011.

- Konkuk University, Introduction to Mathematics, Fall 2010.

- Konkuk University, Mathematics and Exercise 1, Spring 2010.

- Seoul National University, Calculus for Humanities and Social Sciences, Fall 2009.

- Seoul National University, Calculus for Life Sciences, Spring 2009.

Conference Organizing Committee:

-2021 Algebraic Geometry Summer Workshop, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea, August 10-12 2021.

-Conference on Algebraic Geometry, OAK VALLY resort, Won-ju, Korea, July 4-6 2021.

-JJAG, JJ (Face to Face and Virtual Conference on )AG, Jeonju Algebraic Geometry, Jeonju University, May 14-15 2021.

- Intensive Workshop on Algebraic Geometry , OAK VALLY resort, Won-ju, Korea, August 4-6 2020.

- Challenging Algebraic Geometry Workshop, St. JOHN'S Hotel, Gangneung, Korea, November 6-9 2019.

- Algebraic Geometry International Conference, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, June 3-9 2019.

Volunteer Experience:

- Representative of School of Mathematics in KIAS's joint labor-management meeting (for three and a half years).

Talks (2016->):

-"Factorial complete intersection 3-folds in P^5", Jeonju Algebraic Geometry, Jeonju, May 20-22, 2021.(40 minutes)

-"Which nodal quartic threefolds are factorial?", Seminar-KIAS , KIAS, Seoul, Feb. 17, 2021.(60 minutes)

-"Non-rational nodal quartic threefolds", Seminar on Singularities and Topology, Dep. of Math. Education, Jeonbuk National University, 

   Oct. 16, 2020.(ZOOM-60 minutes)

-"Irrational nodal quartic threefolds", Intensive workshop on algebraic geometry, OAK VALLY resort, Won-ju, Korea, Aug. 4-6, 2020. (60 minutes)

-"On factoriality of 3-folds with isolated singularities", Challenging algebraic geometry workshop, Nov. 6-9, 2019. (60 minutes)

-"Some irrational quartic threefolds", KMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 25-27, 2019. (25 minutes)

-"Irrational nodal quartic threefolds", ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY IN EAST ASIA, Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 23-26, 2018. (40 minutes)

- "부담 없이 듣는 기하학 이야기",  초청강연, Department of Mathematics Education, Mokpo National University, Mokpo, Dec. 15, 2017. (60 minutes)

- "On a conjecture of Cilliberto-Di Gennaro", Workshop on Algebraic Geometry-Gunsan, Gunsan, Nov. 19-21, 2017. (60 minutes)

- "Points in projective spaces and some applications", Symposium in Algebraic Geometry, Haeundae, Dec. 25-27, 2016. (40 minutes)

- "On factorial nodal hypersurfaces in P^4", Weekly seminar, Laboratory of algebraic geometry and its applications

    National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Aug. 19, 2016. (70 minutes)

- "기하학 캠프", 2016 고등과학원 여름캠프, KIAS, Seoul, July 28-29, 2016. (50 minutes)

- "Factoriality of nodal threefolds ", KIAS CMC & Math Workshop, Jeonju, June 1-3, 2016. (20 minutes)

- " Factoriality of some nodal threefolds", Iskovskikh Seminar, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, May 19, 2016. (90 minutes)

- "선에 숨은 π 찾기", 2016 고등과학원 π Day,  KIAS, Seoul, March 14, 2016. (30 minutes)