


Djibouti is one of the most unreached evangelized country in the horn of Africa. The people mainly Somalis from south and the Afars from Ethiopia are practically unreached compared with the other African ethnic groups. The Somalis as well as the Afars are mainly ,more than 90 percent of the population are Muslims. The Clan system has locked the people from openness to gospel. If one wants to change any social and/or cultural standing the clan has to accept it or will be cast out.

The two main denominations that have managed to do some kind of outreach among the Afars and the Somalis in Djibouti are

  1. The Catholic Church of Djibouti
    1. There are around 7,000 Catholics - just over 1% of the total population. The country forms a single diocese - the Diocese of Djibouti.
  2. Evangelical Protestant Church in Djibouti

Eglise Protestante Evangelique de Djibouti

Protestant Church of Djibouti


P.O.Box 416, Bd. de la Republique

1981 Djibouti

Djibouti (Africa)

Telephone: +253 351-820

Fax: +253 350-706

This denomination was founded in 1960 by the army chaplain of the French troops stationed there. After independence and the official departure of the French troops, the buildings became the property of a commission related to the Federation of Protestant Churches.

The DEFAP (mission department of the French Prot churches) took responsibility for this single parish, which developed a growing threefold activity:

a) regular worship life and Bible school;

b) running of language and vocational schools; and

c) refugee work, serving as local agent of the UNHCR.

The church building is also used as a place of worship by Ethiopian and Malagasy Christian groups. The Protestant Church of Djibouti houses in its worship life Christians from various countries (Ethiopia, France, Zaire, Burundi, United States, etc.) as well as from various confessions (Reformed, Lutheran, Baptist, Adventist, Mennonites, etc.). Church members normally stay in Djibouti for not more than two or three years.

Members total: 100

Source : Reformed Church Dibouti