Hitomu Kotani

Last updated: Feb. 2025


Ph.D. in Engineering

Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Environment and Society, Institute of Science Tokyo [Link]

(Graduate Major in Urban Design and Built Environment [Link])

Office address: Room 533, W-9, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro, Tokyo, 152-8550, Japan 

Email: kotani.h.ac(at)m.titech.ac.jp

[Areas of Interest]

Disaster risk reduction, social networks, community


2024. 10 - Current: Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Environment and Society, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan

2024. 04 - 2024. 09: Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

2022. 04 - 2024. 03: Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan

2021. 04 - 2024. 03: Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

2020. 04 - 2021. 03: Research Associate, Institute of Engineering Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan

2017. 07 - 2020. 03: Research Associate, Department of International Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan

2017. 04 - 2017. 06: Program-Specific Researcher, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan

2015. 04 - 2017. 03: Research Fellow of Japan Society of Promotion Science

2013. 10 - 2016. 09: Doctoral Student, Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan

Curriculum Vitae


Peer-Reviewed Papers & Proceedings

My Google Scholar Citations

Work in Progress

Non-Reviewed Papers & Proceedings

Doctoral Dissertation

If you do not have access to a journal and would like a reprint of a published paper for your own reading, please email me at kotani.h.ac(at)m.titech.ac.jp.