UNM-LA Community Education History of Science & Technology Courses

Courses offered by Aimee Slaughter through UNM-LA Community Education:

    Why are Einstein and Curie famous?  Why do sci fi heroes carry ray guns?  Why do scientific discoveries matter culturally?  In this course we'll investigate the public perception of science in early twentieth century America, particularly the physical sciences, through lectures and discussions.  We'll read primary sources like 1904 newspaper articles and sci fi from 1930.  We'll learn how radiation, relativity, and quantum mechanics were reflected in the politics, literature, and medicine of the period.  Bring a brown bag dinner if desired. 

    (course not offered at this time)

    How did steam engines change society?  What was it like to live during the Industrial Revolution?  Why do we say Edison invented the light bulb?  In this class, we'll spend four classes learning about and discussing the interconnections between technologies and people in the modern era.  Bring a brown bag dinner if desired.

    (course not offered at this time)

Questions?  Contact me at slaughter.aimee at gmail dot com.