Short Biography

Hanen Idoudi is an associate professor in Computer Science at the National School of Computer Science (ENSI) where she is the coordinator of the "Services and technologies for IoT (ST-IoT)" engineering degree Major. She is a visiting professor at ESIGELEC, university of Rouen and at Polytechnic School of Tunis. Also, she is the coordinator of the "Nouvelles Technologies de Transmission et des Réseaux (N2TR)" Master degree within the Virtual University of Tunis.

She received her HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in 2017 at University of Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès (France) and her Ph.D degree jointly from the University of Rennes 1, France (where she was also member of IRISA, INRIA, Rennes), and from ENSI, in 2008. She earned her engineering and master degrees in computer science both at ENSI, Tunisia in 2001 and 2002, respectively.

Her teaching/technical skills include IoT communications protocols, Blockchain, Internet and LAN protocols, networks administration, Security, Operating Systems, Linux OS administration, languages theory. She is a professional trainer for IBM Blockchain, IBM Cloud IoT, HUAWEI HCNA and LPI certifications curricula.

Her research focuses on the design of efficient and secure communication protocols for IoT and wireless networks.

She served as Technical (Co-)chair and Technical Commitee member of several international conferences, tracks and workshops. She served as a reviewer in several international journals and conferences. She is a Senior IEEE Member.

She is engaged in Internet Governance issues and activities through her membership in ISOC and ICANN where she is also a two times fellow (fellowships to attend the 49th and 51st ICANN meetings).

    • Call for papers : IEEE/IFAC CoDIT'22 Special Session on Metaheuristics, Heuristics and Optimization techniques for Green Vehicle Routing Problem and Internet of Things (MHO-GVRP-IoT), Turkey, May 2022. - Extended Submission deadline : 25 February 2022