Welcome to Herne & Broomfield Local History Group

The Herne & Broomfield Local History Group was formed in 2003.  The purpose of the group is to encourage an active interest in the local history of Herne, Broomfield and the immediate surrounding area; in addition to our regular meetings, we are involved in research projects, produce publications and are building up an archive of local material.  All members are encouraged to participate in the group’s activities and contribute to the aims of the group in an attempt to build a more comprehensive understanding of the area and expand upon the existing known history.  Membership is open to everyone as a single member, a couple or a family subscription.

The Group meets on the first Tuesday of the month (excluding January and August) at the Herne Institute Hall at 7.30 pm.

We welcome new members to join our friendly and informative meetings, followed by refreshments.

The index on the left is self explanatory. Click on the required entry for fast navigation.

 For more information about our forthcoming talks, take a look at our Programme  page.

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The Group's Publications Committee meets regularly to discuss, research, produce, edit and promote our publications.  For more information see our Publications  page.

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If you’d like a copy of any of our publications or would like information about the Herne and Broomfield Local History Group please contact:






Chairmain: Margaret Burns, 

Secretary: Sylvia McKean 01227 281257


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