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Herb Zinser - Z010 Science Reports
RD reports
Alan SoKal ...Science battle reports
Blog 6687 The thermodynamics system WARS
Blog 6727 Emile Zola and Emile's Pizza
Book explains the periodic atomic table ELEMENTS of thought WAR via information output agent Jesse Dimmick uranium code $235,000
Boy Scout(BS) Sam Hengel killed in the Biot-Savart LEGAL conflict
Henri Bergson 2015 attack in Paris France
Information Flow paper 009 explains
Paris attack ….. revenge for the death of President Kennedy and the death of Emile Zola
The EARTH neuroscience WARS and the Europe problems
The math contradictions WAR, symbolism, and El Salvador Dali with Oliver North
The murder of Zoellick in the Z-axis of the water molecule continuum
Social chemistry
Blog 6991 The Boston / Cape Cod neuroscience CODE LANGUAGE WARS
N-paper N29B …Part 1 ..Newspaper secrets .... molecular agent Bo Xilai
N-paper N29B …Part 2 ..Newspaper secrets .... Schrodinger code name BoX--> agent Bo Xilai
The periodic atomic table (sodium chloride and carbon) versus the Department of Justice’s SECRET arrogant society
The Samuel DuBose signaling EVENT explains the Indian Embassy and Hindu Bose-Einstein condensate EARTH WARS
The Wisconsin sin wave interceptor explains the Nikola Tesla Sino-Korean conflict expressions
Atoms & Molecules
Argentina physics control of Argonne National Labs, Illinois
Atomic table WAR expressions
Book-195 Atomic English language
John biRCH Society .....RCH molecule organization
Ortho attack at Fort Hood
Patrick Cudahy ashes are potassium hydroxide WAR news
Physics and the evolution of society
Runway 26 ALKYL social chemistry message
Sodium chloride and potassium WAR report
The aldehyde molecular murders in Hyde Park, Chicago
The atomic nucleus thought evolution into social science control systems
The Fort Hood and WACO super-collider social expressions
The Oxygen ordered assassination of President Kenney in 1963
The SUMMIT / Salt treaty ...violations of Wisconsin
Virginia TECH university .... Organic chemistry
Watergate molecule mass 18, President Nixon, and the 18 families of the periodic atomic table
Wilson Hall atomic SOCIAL SCIENCE WAR messages waiting
Wisconsin organic social chemistry
Year 1616 oxygen atomic mass signal 16
Biology, DNA, Genetics
Biology military LINK to Solar System DNA photon warriors
BooK 232B Part 1 – Passenger to Frankfurt secret code revealed …… beef protein THOUGHT molecules .... hot dog...Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter
BooK 232B Part 2 – Passenger to Frankfurt secret code revealed ...... Oscar de la renta address space and Oscar Witt farm coDE Land Load address
Carbon dioxide CO2 molecule thoughts and math logic
Communities ERRORS approved by Federal government result in atomic social science murder
Electromagnetic WAR News SiKH --> Si + KH --> sin wave KHZ radio frequency Temple shooting
Heme ion WAR methods
Mathematics war …. math King …. David Hilbert …. David Hilbert’s Hotel and the King David Hotel bombing
Number 4 and the 4 DNA nucleotides message of Michael Brown
Book secret information pointers
BooK 232A – Part 1 Passenger to Frankfurt secret code revealed … Tree RNA, cellulose forests, cotton Ottoman empire and Otto Preminger
BooK 232A – Part 2 Passenger to Frankfurt codes ....Ottoman empire and Otto Preminger INTELLECT LU = Lumber AND IBM, David Bal.Four, and the Four Fold Roots of Reason
Book 238E Part 1 …. The Old Silent ( atomic stone house DATABASE) ...... the Nikola Tesla Longitudinal Wave
Book 238E Part 2 …. The Old Silent ( atomic stone house DATABASE) …... the Nikola Tesla Longitudinal Wave
Book 238F Part 1 …. The Old Silent (house atomic stone DATABASE / lumber atomic language) … SYMBOL life evolution
Book 238F Part 2 …. The Old Silent (house atomic stone DATABASE with Sunlight LU = Logical unit --> Lumber thought language) … evolution
Earth System Books & Languages
Book- 235B … Part 1 The Invisible Man secret codes ….. H.G Wells name equation …. H2O Ground (water) Wells
Book- 235B … Part 2 The Invisible Man codes ….. Hydrocarbon Ground (HG) Wells name equation
Book-234A Part 1 Speaking Stones ….. geology atomic stone THOUGHTS explain …. DR. David Livingstone
Book-234A Part 2….. EARTH atomic stone THOUGHTS explain agent …. DR. David Livingstone
Book-234B Part 1 Speaking Stones ….. geology atomic stone THOUGHTS explain … Cincinnati and Levi Coffin …..
Book-234B Part 2 Geology book ...Speaking Stones …........atomic stone / rock THOUGHTS explain …
Exotic computer science
Base 16 HEX 'FA' America and the FAA 250 space errors
Book-053 Star Wars explains the Senate PAGE error message
Computer Earth AIDS disease
Computer Earth BAL applications - Balayage
Computer Earth system 370 Hoover Dam
Computer WAR - SYS1.Load.Libary versus Columbine Library
CP-104 MDT –> Modified Data Tags and Monitored Drift Tubes
Fort hood and the computer ram page ..... rampage
Fort Hood Base 16 hex war
Germanwings air plane crash provides COMPUTER EARTH system Z cloud delivery to 16 German pupils
Hexadecimal Origin of Universe
iana, Princess of Wales killed in parallel processing WAR between Paris and Parris Island
Margaret Mead atomic anthropology ….. bio-computer scam
Pentagon atoms and computer science
Rio de Janeiro and Janesville, Wisconsin oscillation data wave system command RIO --> Resume I/O
Sports bio-computer secrets
Star Wars - EARTH computer systems war
The 1944 gravity COMPUTER
The CICS TSA shooting battle at LAX airport
The human bio-computer apps market activates the MAU MAU app
The Madison, Wisconsin human biocomputer SYSTEM 370
The OXFORD button down cotton-shirt dress code --> computer address code
The U.S. Army WAR College and CAD bio-computer CADavder systems
U.S.ARMY physics field theory
Z-paper 1111 Brain bio-computer canniBAL subroutines
Z-paper 215 IBM system 370 SNA VTAM RU486 code
Z-paper 226 Margaret Mead atomic anthropology bio-computer scam
Z-paper 249 Milk Dump ...Dum ..Dumb
Z-paper 335 Clifford Algebra
Living language
Blog 6874 The Boston .... DEATH SENTENCE program creates COVIF-19 .. 2 million dead
Book-236B Part 1 Pudd’nhead by Mark Twain explains …. Shelley’s poetry sometimes had only an underground
Book-236B Part 2 Pudd’nhead by Mark Twain explains ... Shelley’s poetry …input data to the …..underground atoms of rock/ clay
Book-236C Part 1 ... Pudd’nhead by Mark Twain explains the FermiLAB / Wilson Hall physics
Book-236C Part 2 ... Pudd’nhead by Mark Twain explains ….. Higgs Boson applications at Higgins RD (RD site) in Chicago
Book-238A ….Part 1 The Old Silent .. reveals …. how bank marble lobby …. atomic walls absorb/ collect data from the many people that walk thru the BUILDING lobby
Book-238A …Part 2 The Old Silent (house stone/ lumber atomic language) reveals …. how bank marble lobby …. atomic walls absorb/ collect data
Math & Bio-math
Afghanistan MATH war
Bess Truman and her math Bessel Functions
CIA geometry WAR
Systems & Economics
Earth Computer SYSTEMS - Automotive economics
Kenosha potassium hydroxide economics
DNA base 4 math processor
Earth Math battles
Existential physics and the normal math plane .. message continuum
Fort Hood battle of Hermite polynomials
Fort Hood linear algebra
Fort Hood MATH war casualties
General Ham math and Fort Hood
Math Battle reports
President Kennedy’s social vector ERROR
Richard Strong probability and Wisconsin ERRORS
The complex math Symbol Machine war strategy
The distributive law of algebra ….. equation WAR in Babylon
The Euler number WAR over the number e .... a foundation of earth's EARTH LANGUAGE and various structures
The even integer electron information shells of 2, 4, 6 and their language communications WAR casualties.
The Hayward Vector Analysis Trial
The NIL, Cole Hall …. NILpotent matrices battle
The odd integer WAR of number 7 and number 11
The QUADRATIC murder equation
The Wronskian differential equation LINKS nitrogenous bases with Europe
Zbigniew Brzezinski needs to explain the S-plane math WAR death of Lech Kaczynski
News and word codes
Book 233H Part 1 ... Star Wars secret codes ...... Mayor Bill de Bla.SIO
Book 233H Part 2 ... Star Wars secret codes ...... Mayor Bill de Bla.SIO
Book 233H Part 3 ... Star Wars secret codes ...... Mayor Bill de Bla.SIO
N44B Part 4 ... Newspaper secrets ... social SYSTEM codes
Politics, Social Sciences, Crime, etc
Blog 6262 Elaine Garzarelli and Warren Buffet
Math, Physics, and Biochemistry Crime Reports
President Kennedy assassination ..... database analysis
Roe VERSUS F(roe, date, route) Hospital and Wade Michael Page
TEXAS shooting control systems - advanced applications
The (Judge) Hoffman rearrangement
The copper wire city of electricity Route 29 WAR casualties in Virginia
The FCC explains the citizen radio …. RF choke key murder of RF Kennedy and others
The Waco war series PROBLEMS of the citizens of Boston and the Federal government
Social System battles
Blog 6399 .... Boston Bombing (B) and Umpqua Shooting(S) = BS
Book- 235E …Part 1 The Invisible Man secret codes … the DeBeers diamond BEER Summit, ……. the System on Chip (SOC) 8-PIN battle
Book- 235E …Part 2 The Invisible Man secret codes … the DeBeers diamond BEER Summit, ……. the System on Chip (SOC = South Carolina) 8-PIN battle of Clementa Carlos Pin ..Pinckney explained by PIN circuit messenger ….
Nature’s CO2 carbonated soda water WAR .... Oklahoma City Oklahoma
Nature’s military SYMBOL tool ….the tau particle and its WAR casualties
Samuel DuBose, Samuel Hengel, DuPage county, DuBlin share DEATH factors
The astrophysics MODEL of EARTH wormholes of DEATH
Solar Systems, Botany, and EARTH systems
Analysis of 4-H Club April 26, 1989
Book 233C …Part 1 Star Wars secret codes revealed …… EARTH LAB agent … Elena Berg claimed she was pressured ….. B claimed she was pressure. —> Barometric pressure agent
Botany Math Roots ..... Einstein’s farm field theory
Botany Science WAR clues
Computer Earth I/O BATTLE region ….. IOWA August 2020 Midwest derecho ……
Earth Languages and their message routing abilities
Florida Keys ...... Piano Keys and Computer Earth data record KSDS keys
Magnetic Field life ... human formats
OSHA explains the OSama BIN Laden grain BIN earth language
RAMPAGE wars of Computer Earth
Supersymmetry Physics BT-coils and Botany BT-corn
The Battle of Carl Jung and Francisco de Goya .... atomic living BUILDINGS that absorb data from human information carriers
The EARTH iron core wars explained with the help of the Iron Lady and the Iron Maiden
The Janesville, Wisconsin AND Water100 B100D WAR revealed by 2007 BALAD crash
The Landau geo-physics IRON road map in the Chicago region
The photosynthesis continuum and the Bowling Green chlorophyll WAR casualty
Z-paper 547 Rear rear-arrangements
Symbol & Concept Language Life
Albert Ellis RET
Book 233H … Part 1 Star Wars secret codes revealed
Book 233H … Part 2 .... Star Wars secret codes and COVID-19
Clifford Lane analysis
Electromagnetic theory of LIFE and WAR
Hayakawa explains the Patty Hearst signaling EVENT
Margaret Mead nuclear crimes
Star Wars book helps explain the human eye optic WARS
The AI war zone over Intelligence Quotient
The Runway 26 crash signal - the alphabet war in Lexington
The World War Z movie
Symbol Machines
Blog 6275 English language …. BRAIN cholera WAR
Nature’s INTERNAL acetylcholine molecule English Language WARS
Part 1 ... Joan Rivers killed in the Carl Jung atomic stream of consciousness ANWAR SADAT wars
Part 2 ... Joan Rivers killed in the brain data rivers ...... neuroscience WAR
The brain SEPTum warning to Manhattan …. SEPT 11, 2001 and to UMpqua College from Rod Stewart
Herb Zinser - Z010 Science Reports
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