Linguistics Public Outreach

These are some of the Public Outreach I am participating in, contact me if you have any questions or would like to have me lecture to youngsters somewhere about typology of linguistics problems (

Big Perspective Lecture

A lecture by Hedvig Skirgård for secondary school students on the field of theoretical linguistics and linguistic typology in particular. This lecture has been given several times and will be given many more times, here are the latest versions of the presentations. The lecture contains a lot numbers on matters such as isolates, language families, number of speakers, languages in countries etc. Unfortunately, it has become to large share in the google sites file archives below or dropbox :(. But! I'm very happy to share it, email me at!

Olympiads in Linguistics

The Swedish Olympiad in Linguistics for High School Students

A project by Young Scientists Stockholm and the universities of Stockholm, Lund and Uppsala. Hedvig is project leader, lecturer and coach.

The International Olympiad in Linguistics

The international contest with over 26 participating countries. Sweden was host country in 2010 and Hedvig was main organiser of that event and is currently in the board of IOL.



Swedish blog by staff at the section for General Linguistics at Stockholm Univeristy

Humans Who Read Grammars

Microblog by Hedvig and Suzanne van der Meer on topics relating to typology and grammar reading.