Hedrick Gold
I Buy GOLD in ANY Quantity for CASH in US Dollars
I can receive gold in: Dubai, UAE Florida , USA Accra, Ghana Nairobi, Kenya Kampala, Uganda
It is my desire to create a safe and reliable location where gold sellers can send their gold and get immediate payment after the assay in United States Dollars or USDT. I realize this requires a bit of trust on the part of the seller. That is why I am willing to do a small test transaction in order to establish trust. It is my desire to do dozens of transactions with you, not just one.
See the Menus to the left for procedures.
Thank you and God Bless,
Scott Hedrick
President and CEO
Hedrick Consulting, Incorporated
Mobile & Whatsapp: +1.919.443.5135
Skype: hedrick.consulting
I only use Skype or WhatsApp to speak with clients.
Send such requests via EMAIL to hedrickconsultinginfo@gmail.com
My SKYPE address is “Hedrick.consulting”.
All offers on any Hedrick Consulting, Incorporated site are void, where prohibited by law.
The information contained in this website is not to be construed as a form of solicitation in any manner whatsoever. This information is being provided by request to show a breakdown of current programs.
We do not act as a Securities Broker nor do we effectuate the sale of securities. This information shall not be construed as pertaining to registered securities transactions as interpreted or described in the United States Securities Act of 1933-34 as amended by U.S. laws, or under the laws of any other nation. This message is privileged, confidential and is intended for information purposes only. The above and/or attached information is for private transactions that are available between the principal entities involved. This is not intended to be, and must not be construed to be in any form or manner as a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering.
ref: mexican bonds Mexican bond historical bond historical bonds mexican dove bond brazilian bonds ltn ltns mtn mtns bg bgs gold gold bonds gold bullion pink mexican bonds pink lady pink ladies double L LL mexican orange bonds euroclear orange mexican bonds CD leasing cd lease bg lease hsbc hsbc hong kong collateral mtn medium term notes mtns