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Jan 2014



In General

Levels of Stimulation


Physical Reaction to Stimulation




Indicators of Stress


Adaptation to Chronic Unhealthy Stimulation

Blood Circulation Reduction


The Physics of Cholesterol Utilisation


Definitions...     Stress is an applied force to an item.

                         Strain is the effect the stress has on the item.

                         As in the stress of over-work causing the strain of damage.


In General -

When people talk of 'STRESS' they do not mean it's physics definition as above.  Rather they use 'stress' to mean 'STIMULATION' or 'excitation', usually of the emotions and mental faculties.  In order to maintain accurate definitions we will refer to stimulation rather than the physics term of 'stress'.

It is never too early to introduce healthy stimulation !

Healthy stimulation causes activity that leads to refreshment and a feeling of motivation and well being, with associated improvement of general health.  i.e. a stimulating tonic or a visit to the gym.  Unhealthy stimulation will stir up and rouse, and causes infuriation which, in the usual sense of the word, leads to anger and distress with associated harmful effects.  i.e. being subjected to bullying neighbours.   It is important to distinguish between the healthy and unhealthy stimulations.

An example of HEALTHY STIMULATION is the situation of being stuck in a serious traffic jam when travelling to a menial and undesirable meeting that it would be better to miss.

An example of UNHEALTHY STIMULATION is the situation of being stuck in a serious traffic jam when travelling to an important and highly desirable date.

Thus assessing the type of stimulation from only a single external situation such as a traffic jam is not accurate!  Other factors must be taken into account and the accumulative effect noted in order to access the overall level of stimulation.

All sorts of things can cause stimulation but it is usually unpredictable changes in our usual routine.  Unpleasant situations such as unhappy personal relationships, unreliable transport, traffic jams, etc. can result in unhealthy stimulation that is harmful to us.  Inter-personal relationships are a major source of both healthy and unhealthy stimulations.

Stimulation is essential to us.  Without it we become de-motivated and then depressed.  However too much of it causes EXHAUSTION,  which in turn, effects the ability of our immunity system to protect us.   Exhaustion also gives rise to an inability to concentrate, bad temper, and impotence - followed by infectious diseases, artery damage, cancers, and other serious problems.  Over-stimulation increases the damage level to our bodies and, as this is more than the reduced immunity and repair systems can cope with, we appear to ‘age’, although of course will are still the same age.

The effects of stimulations are CUMULATIVE, so that a number of relatively minor unhealthy stimulations can accumulate to cause harm.

However a healthy stimulation can counteract the cumulative effect and reduce the unhealthy stimulation level.


We can divide stimulations into three basic LEVELS; 


    healthy stimulation,


 These levels can be further sub-divided as shown in Figure 1. It is not accurate to measure the effect of a single stimulation without accounting for others. The body responds not just to individual stimulation but to all of them - and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. As some stimulations counter the effects of others it may well be that an exciting event can be completely countered by a relaxing event. 

A very basic and limited guide to the levels of individual stimulation can be found in figures 1, 2, and 3. 

Figure 1    Levels of Stimulation
 (source, real life experiences) 

Figure 2    Effect of Stimulation on Efficiency  (source, Internet)

Death of spouse ~ 100                                        Divorce of loved one ~ 73 

Marital separation ~ 65                                      Jail sentence ~ 63 

Death of close family member ~ 63             Illness or injury ~ 53 

Marriage ~ 50                                                           Loss of job ~ 47 

Retirement ~ 45                                                      Illness of loved one ~ 44 

Pregnancy ~ 40                                                         Sex problems ~ 39 

Major change at work ~ 39                                Change of financial status ~ 38 

Death of close friend ~ 37                                  Marital arguments increase ~ 35 

Large mortgage taken out ~ 31                       Child leaves home ~ 29 

In-law problems ~ 29                                             Major personal goal achieved ~ 28 

Wife starts or stops work ~ 26                         Starting or leaving school ~ 26 

Change in living conditions ~ 25                      Trouble with employer ~ 23 

Change in residence ~ 20                                    Change in recreation ~ 19 

Small load ~ 17                                                          Change in sleeping habits ~ 16 

Change in family gatherings ~ 15                   Change in eating habits ~ 15 

Christmas ~ 12                                                         Minor violation of law ~ 11 

Fig 3  Unhealthy Stimulation Ratings
(source, Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale,  Link)

Long term unemployment is probably around 100 under an abusive regime.

A total rating of 160 indicates a high probability of health being affected, but the over all effect of all stimulations must be taken into account, both unhealthy and healthy. 

Marriage, sex problems, and changes at work ~  130.
One more unhealthy problem and she could be in trouble.



Physical Reaction to Stimulation . . .

Our response to stimulation is based on our evolutionary 'instincts' - our GENETICALLY PROGRAMMED REACTION - to various situations. To take the most basic and simplest, the reaction to the stimuli of personal danger. There are three possible reactions; to freeze, flee, or fight.

Once the stimuli has been applied we process a great deal of information to arrive at a minute to minute course of action and the duration of each response is varied accordingly. This processing is at both a conscious and subconscious level. In the case of instantaneous danger - involving fast movements - the freeze response is dramatically shortened with an instinctive very fast fleeing action of dodging. This does not involve any conscious thought, it is subconscious, and quite instinctive.

Previous experience also influences our reaction to stimuli and our conscious thought can influence our course of action. But while we consider our situation our bodies respond with an autonomic reaction, ready to freeze, flee, or fight.

Electronic . . .

There is an ELECTRONIC NERVOUS REACTION that causes chemical neurotransmitters to be released at various organs, which alters their operation. For example, the muscles tense and contract, which can be so strong as to cause us to actually 'jump'. Blood pressure abruptly rises to quite high levels resulting in a feeling of pounding of our hearts. To assist in this, blood is diverted from our skin and abdomen to our muscles, resulting in our 'going white'. It is commonly known that if an angry person is red in the face they are not likely to be violent, but if they do go white, then watch out! Another reaction is the dilation of the eye pupil to enhance vision which gives the wide eye look of fear and/or anger.

An example of an electronic nervous reaction is that of a child reaching into an open fire. As soon as the harmful heat is detected by the skins sensors an electrical message is transmitted straight to the brain. There is then an entirely automatic response involving no conscious thought at all. Another electrical message is transmitted straight back to the controlling muscles which causes them to contract strongly and snatch the endangered hand away. The snatching action can be so strong that the arm or hand is actually injured by collision with an obstruction such as the fireplace.

Chemical . . .

The electronic reaction is very fast and is followed by a hormonal response which, as it acts through CHEMICAL MESSENGERS in the blood stream, takes longer to produce a reaction. The hormonal response originates in the hypothalamus, at the base of the brain, which acts as a co-ordinator for other glands for autonomic (not normally under conscious control) reactions. The adrenal glands can be mobilised to produce adrenalin, which gives us a pleasant feeling of action. Adrenalin causes the lungs bronchi tubes to expand to increase the flow of oxygen to the body, and the liver to release glucose for energy. This gives a pleasant feeling of alertness, energy, and arousal. Many people actually place themselves in stimulating situations to obtain this adrenalin 'kick'. e.g. sky diving, fast driving, etc.

However adrenalin, together with other activity hormones, also causes other reactions that, when prolonged, cause serious harm to the body. In order to allow for reaction, other essential activities of the body become inactive. The digestive system, immunological system, and kidneys slow or even stop. Perhaps the most significant reaction is the increase of production and blood level of cholesterol.

Homeostasis . . .

Our constitutions are constantly compensating to produce a state of 'homeostasis'.  This state is where the body's controlling systems... nervous, endocrine, hormonal, etc  are in co-ordination with one another and able to cope with stimulation in a regular and healthy way.

Under a reasonable level of stimulation our bodies own compensating mechanism can cope with changes as described above ( Figure 3 ) and the level of optimum homoeostasis restored without difficulty.  That is to say, the body is able to react to a stimulation normally and relax after the stimulation has ceased. However if stimulations are repeated simultaneously and sequentially over an extended period of time then both the level and duration of the body's response becomes harmful. The normal compensating mechanisms are not able to restore the state of homoeostasis and a process of adaptation takes place.

Figure 4  Homoeostasis Limits  (source Internet)

Signs of Unhealthy Stimulation

Yes - actually I am a little over stimulated, why do you ask?

The symptoms described below can be initiated by a number of causes but if several are present then the cause is likely to be unhealthy stimulation that is exceeding the bodies ability to cope.

Physical signs: 

Unpredictable appetite and digestion and bowl problems 

Insomnia and constant tiredness 

Sweating for no reason and nervous habits 

Headaches and muscular pains 

Faintness - high blood pressure 

Desire to cry 

Lack of sex drive 

Psychological signs:

Self dislike and feelings of unhappiness 

Bad temper and irrational rage 

Loss of motivation 

Indecision and irrational fears 

A feeling of dread 

Lack of concentration 

Lack of interest in others 

Irrationally feeling neglected or persecuted 



Long term unemployment 1980s

Adaptation to Chronic Unhealthy Stimulation . . .

The physical reactions as described above become chronic and the body remains in an excited and 'ready of action' state all the time.  In order to allow for action, other parts of the body become inactive. The digestive system, immunological system, and kidneys slow, or even stop.  Chronic exhaustion causes a  reduced immunological system.  This leads to serious health damage.

The reduced digestive processes lead to constipation or diarrhoea, duodenal and stomach ulcers, and colitis. The reduced immunological system increases the incidence and severity of infectious diseases and allergies while the reduced kidney action allows the build up of toxic wastes, all of which causes further damage to the body at a time when it is least able to cope with it. 

The constantly tense muscles suffer from damage and become sore resulting in aches and pains. Sever headaches are also experienced, although the cause is not well understood. The maintenance of constricted blood vessels and increased heart rate leads to a constantly raised blood pressure, called hypertension, which is usually the first recognised symptom of unhealthy over-stimulation. The most common cause is overwork and a lack of rest and relaxation.

Blood Circulation Reduction . . .

The constant unhealthy stimulation requires a constantly high level of blood cholesterol. When the body is relaxed, the cholesterol is cleared away efficiently and either stored or disposed of. If the body is not able to relax then the cholesterol builds up in the walls of the blood vessels; most noticeably the main arteries and forms a thick layer of plaque. This both reduces the internal diameter of the vessels - which reduces the flow of blood through the arteries, and hence through the body - and causes the normally smooth surfaces to become roughened - which increases the possibility of the formation of clots, and the blocking of the arterial flow of blood.

Blood circulation is essential to carry oxygen, nutrients, immunological agents, hormones and replacement materials to all parts of the body. Anything that interferes with this will harm the health of the body and it's ability to function efficiently.  The reduction of the blood flow reduces the body's ability to act with vigour and energy, and will effect a previously robust constitution. In advanced cases of arterial reduction the extremities, such as the toes, can die from lack of oxygen leading to gangrene.

Cholesterol . . .

Chronic unhealthy stimulation will result in a constant supply of replacement material in the blood; including cholesterol. 

This is a waxy alcohol, in the pure form it is a soft white odourless powder that does not dissolve in water - it is insolvent. It is essential in forming all animal-cell membranes and needed for proper nerve function. It is also essential for a number of other vital processes, including the manufacture of vitamin D and of hormones, particularly those regulating metabolism and digestion.

Thus arteries blocked by cholesterol can be cleared again by a healthy life style that enable the normal bodily repair and healing processes to take place. The important components of this process are stimulation and relaxation Cholesterol

Charlize Theron

Relaxed and healthy with a lovely cholesterol level

Exhaustion . . .

If the process of adaptation to unhealthy stimulation is allowed to develop and remain then the body will eventually become exhausted and collapse into disease. 

Reduced Immunological System 

This is a response of adaptation which increases the incidence of aliments. Once the body becomes exhausted the immunological system is seriously reduced and the aliments become more frequent leading to an increased severity of viral and bacterial infections; sometimes terminating in lethal pneumonia, and occurrences of bodily breakdowns such as ulcers and cancers. 

High Blood Pressure 

Adaptation also causes a constant high blood pressure which over an extended period of time, results in physical damage to the arterial and venous systems, and in particular to the valves of the heart. If the arteries are hardened by cholesterol, this damage is increased. The exhausted body will not be able to keep up with the constant damage as the repair processes have slowed.

Blood clots produced by the damage will become so numerous and large that they will actually cut off the supply of blood and the life giving oxygen. As the incidents of blood and oxygen deprivation becomes more frequent and serious, various symptoms of pain and a reduction of health are experienced and finally serious damage occurs to either the brain or heart resulting in ‘strokes’ or a heart ‘attack’. If the high blood pressure damages and causes the heart valves to give way, a dramatic fall in blood pressure occurs leading to a ‘collapse’. The victim is unable to function due to literally a collapse of internal blood pressure and to oxygen deprivation.

For an overview of the effects of stimulation refer to Figure 5 below.

Figure 5   Effects of Stimulation
  (source Internet and Flow Chart Inc.)

Warning !

Our bodies have evolved to work, but over-stimulation and over-work will result in damage which, if not allowed to be repaired by relaxing rest, will severely shorten our useful working lives and result in disablement or even premature death. 

Relaxed and rested, calm and happy - a picture of radiant good health.

And remember -

So learn to relax and rest  -  learn to be LAZY.

Relaxing and being lazy with a good book to read

For a detailed analysis of biological stress see  -
