Hee-Don Ahn

 Hee-Don Ahn  

     안희돈 安熙燉

                 2004                                                  2014                                                       2024                                              2034   2044   2054   Life goes on...    


Department of English

Konkuk University

120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu

Seoul 05029, Korea

Office: 309, Liberal Arts Faculty Building (인문학관 교수연구동 309호)

Office Phone: +82-2-450-3338

Department Fax: +82-2-2049-6320

Email: hdahn@konkuk.ac.kr 



Work Experience

Academic Activities






1991. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison 

           Light verbs, VP-movement, negation and clausal architecture in Korean and English

               translated as 영어와 한국어의 통사구조연구 by 강명윤 외 (2000) at 경진문화사.

2012. 조각문 연구: 영어와 한국어를 중심으로. 한국문화사.

         Fragments in English and Korean Hankuk Publishing Company: Seoul.

2024. (With Yongjoon Cho) 포스트휴머니 응용언어학 [Posthumanist Applied Linguistics by  Alastair Pennycook]  글로벌콘텐츠.

Book chapters

2020. (With Sungeun Cho)  Revisiting null arguments in Korean (한국어 영논항에 대한 재고). 『한국어 영논항을 어떻게 볼 것인가』 역락.

2020. (With Sungeun Cho) Fragments and Tags (조각문과 부가의문문). 『분열문 연구』 글로벌콘텐츠.

2020. (With Yongjoon Cho) Issues in Anthropocene Linguistics (인류세 언어학의 쟁점들). 『우리는 가장 빠르고 확실하게 죽어가고 있다 2-인류세의 해법을 모색하는 재난시대 인문학』인류세인문학단 총서 2권, 들녘. Preface (여는글)

2020. (With Yongjoon Cho) Anthropocene and Language (인류세와 언어). 『우리는 가장 빠르고 확실하게 죽어가고 있다 1-인간이 만든 절망의 시대, 인류세』인류세인문학단 총서 1권, 들녘. Preface (여는글

2014. (윤종열 안성호 이병춘 이광호 안희돈 정연진 문귀선 양현권 김선웅 공저) 영어통사론 5장: 이동(MOVE). English Syntax 종합출판.

2014. (With Sungeun Cho) CP 생략. CP Ellipsis (박명관 엮음) 통사 이론의 분화와 통합: 국어 영논항을 중심으로 Hankuk Publishing Company: Seoul.

2013. (With 정의준, 김석, 전문기) 인터넷 게임 중독과  관련 정책에 대한 인문학적 중심의 학제적 연구. 국가발전전략에 대한 인문학적 접근. 문화일보.

2009. (With Sungeun Cho) Non-case-marked wh-phrases and left dislocation. In K. Grohmann and P. Panagiotidis (eds.), Selected Papers from the 2006 Cyprus Syntaxfest, 29-62. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2007. (With Sungeun Cho) Non-Case-Marked Wh-Phrases and Left-Dislocation. University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 16:111-141.

2007. (With Sungeun Cho) Edges in Syntax and Scope/Binding in Fragments in Korean. University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 16:142-162.

2004. ‘하’ 동사의 생략 조건. 이홍배교수 정년퇴임기념 논총. 한신문화사.

1999. Notes on case deletion. In Y-W. Kim, I-K. Kim, and J.-W. Park (eds.), Linguistic Investigation: In honor of In-Seok Yang, 1-16. Seoul: Hankuk Publishing Co.

1999. 언어습득이론과 아동영어의 주어탈락. 오늘의 문법, 우리를 어디로. 이홍배교수 화갑기념논총, 407-422. 한신문화사.

1994. Remarks on Head Movement in English and French. Explorations on Generative Grammar. Hankuk Publishing Company: Seoul. 

1994. Two Types of not and the NegP in English. Head Movement. Hankuk Publishing Company: Seoul.

1990. On Light Verb Construction in Korean and Japanese. The 1st Japanese/Korean Linguistics. CSLI Stanford University.

Journal Articles

2024. (With Xiao Ling Li, Yongjoon Cho) Exploring English Article Usage among Korean-Chinese Bilinguals: Influence of L2 Chinese on L3 Acquisition of English. (조선족 한국어-중국어 이중화자의 영어 관사 사용 분석: L3 영어에 대한 L2 중국어의 영향을 중심으로). [통일인문학] 97, 389-436.

2024. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on Argument Ellipsis in Korean and Hebrew: A Reply to Landau (2022). Studies in Generative Grammar, 34-1, 53-73

2023. (With Sungeun Cho) Diagnosing Elliptical Constructions in Korean and English. Studies in Generative Grammar, 33-4, 403-424

2023. (With Yongjoon Cho) The Multilingual Landscape in a Chinese Ethnic Enclave within Korean Society. (한국 사회의 다언어 경관 연구: 자양4동 중국인 밀집지역을 중심으로) The Journal of the Humanities for Unification [통일인문학] 95, 265-303.

2023. (With Sungeun Cho) Exploring VP/vP Preposing in Multiple Nominative Constructions. Language Research. 59(2), 115-144.

2023. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on VP Preposing in Multiple Accusative Constructions. Studies in Generative Grammar, 33-1, 177-199

2022. (With Yongjoon Cho, Jong-Bai Hwang, Jung Hyun Lim, Cui Mao) The Modulating Role of Mean Dependency Distance in the Backward Transfer of L3 on the Interpretation of L2 Reflexives. The Journal of Asia TEFL 19(3), 896-910.

2022. (With Yongjoon Cho, Jong-Bai Hwang, Jung Hyun Lim, Cui Mao) The Role of L2 Proficiency in the Backward Transfer of L3 on the Interpretation of L2 Reflexives. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 22, 661-674.

2022. (With Sungeun Cho) On Some (A)symmetrical Properties of Scramblings. Language Research 58-1, 1-30.

2022. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on Extraction from Missing CPs. Studies in Generative Grammar, 32-1, 221-238. 

2022. (With Noam Siegelman, Sascha Schroeder, Cengiz Acartürk, Hee-Don Ahn, Svetlana Alexeeva, Simona Amenta, Raymond Bertram, Rolando Bonandrini, Marc Brysbaert, Daria Chernova, Sara Maria Da Fonseca, Nicolas Dirix, Wouter Duyck, Argyro Fella, Ram Frost, Carolina A. Gattei, Areti Kalaitzi, Nayoung Kwon, Kaidi Lõo, Marco Marelli, Timothy C. Papadopoulos, Athanassios Protopapas, Satu Savo, Diego E. Shalom, Natalia Slioussar, Roni Stein, Longjiao Sui, Analí Taboh, Veronica Tønnesen, Kerem Alp Usal & Victor Kuperman) Expanding horizons of cross-linguistic research on reading: The Multilingual Eye-movement Corpus (MECO)Behavior Research Methods. doi: 10.3758/s13428-021-01772-6.

2021. (With Yongjoon Cho) The reliability of Korean acceptability judgments in the journals (한국어 수용성판단에서의 학술지간 신뢰도분석)Korean Language Research [한말연구]  60, 37-66.

2021. (With Yongjoon Cho) A Comparison of Korean Acceptability Data in the Journals: Studies in Generative Grammar and Kwukehak ‘Korean Linguistics’ (한국어 수용성판단 자료의 학술지간 비교: ‘생성문법연구’와 ‘국어학’을 중심으로). Studies in Generative Grammar, 31(2), 133-146.

2021. (With Jung-Yun Choi, Moongee Jeon, Sangki Kim, Jong-Bai Hwang) Morphological processing of a Korean nominal suffix -tul by Korean speakers and Chinese L2 learners. Studies in Linguistics 59, 47-75.

2021. (With Sungeun Cho) On the Distribution of Missing Arguments and Adjuncts under the Pro Approach. Language Research 57(1), 111-142.

2020. (With Sungeun Cho) A Pronoun Analysis of Null Arguments in Korean. Language Research 56(2), 183-223.

2020. (With Jung Hyun Lim, Cui Mao) Cognate Facilitation Effects in Cross-Script Languages: Evidence from Unbalanced Korean-English Bilinguals. Korean Journal of Linguistics 45(1), 167-180.

2020. (With Sungeun Cho) On an apparent violation of the Left Branch Condition. Studies in Generative Grammar 30(1), 155-174.

2020. (With Sungeun Cho) Reconsideration of pronoun analysis of null arguments (영논항의 대명사 분석에 대한 재고찰). Language and Information [언어와 정보] 24(1), 1-13.

2020. (With Yongjoon Cho) Multimodal Analysis as a Linguistic Research Method in the Anthropocene: A Case of Korean Audience Blind Forms (인류세적 관점에서의 다면적 대화분석 방법론-혼잣말을 중심으로). Studies in Korean Language and Literature [우리어문연구] 66, 301-335.

2019. (With Yongjoon Cho, Juyeun Lee) Multimodal Conversation Analysis and its Transcriptions in the Anthropocene  (인류세에서의 다면적 대화분석과 전사 원칙). The Journal of the Humanities for Unification [통일인문학] 80, 287-331.

2019. (With Cui Mao) Reverse transfer of L3 on the Interpretation of L2 Reflexives. The Journal of Asia TEFL 16(4), 1322-1330.

2019. (With Sungeun Cho) A pro analysis of null arguments revisited (영논항의 pro(영대명사) 분석 재고). Language and Linguistics [언어와 언어학]86, 85-112.

2019. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on bi-clausal analysis of multiple fragments: A reply to Chung (2019). Studies in Generative Grammar 29(3), 571-590.

2019. (With Sungeun Cho) On scrambling and reconstruction. Language & Information Society 37, 259-286.

2019. (With Jong-Bai Hwang) Masked priming of Korean final ending –ko by Korean-Chinese bilinguals (조선족 이중언어 사용자들의 한국어 어말어미 ‘-고’의 처리에 대한 차폐 점화 연구). Foreign Languages Education, 26(2), 213-230.

2019. (With  Hyoung-Moon Kim, Jun Zhao, Ji-Hee Ha, Rongju Li, Yongjoon Cho) A comparison of formal and informal acceptability (2) (한국어 수용성 판단에서의 형식적 방법과 비형식적 방법의 비교(2)). Studies in Linguistics (언어학연구)51, 129-159.

2019. (With  Hyoung-Moon Kim, Jun Zhao, Ji-Hee Ha, Yongjoon Cho) A comparison of formal and informal acceptability (한국어 수용성 판단에서의 형식적 방법과 비형식적 방법의 비교 - 이산형 측정 자료의 경우 -). Hanmal Yenkwu (한말연구)51, 57-86.

2019. (With Haejin Jang) The Role of L3 in the Interpretation of Articles with Definite Plurals in L2 English. The Journal of Asia TEFL 16(1), 12-36.

2018. (With Jong-Bai Hwang, Kisub Jeong). Korean-Chinese bilingual speakers’ processing of Korean morphology: Masked priming experiments for Korean plural marker -tul. (조선족 이중언어 화자들의 한국어 형태 처리: 복수형 접미사 –들의 차폐 점화 실험 연구). Foreign Languages Education 25(1), 235-252.

2018. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on Fragments with Tag Questions in English and Korean. Studies in Generative Grammar 28: 213-231.

2017. (With Sungeun Cho) A hybrid ellipsis analysis of two types of fragments in Korean. Linguistic Research 34(3):311-359.

2017. (With Sungeun Cho) On caseless fragments and some implications. Language Research 53: 247-286.

2017. (With  Chunpeng Cai) The Influence of L2 on L1 Lexical Competence and Grammatical Properties in Written Expressions. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 40(2):181-191. 

2017. (With Sungeun Cho) A bi-clausal analysis of multiple fragments. Studies in Generative Grammar 27: 197-220.

2016. (With Sungeun Cho) A Uniform Analysis of Right Dislocation: A Reply to Ko (2016). Language Research, 52(2): 213-245.

2015. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on Ellipsis and Movement Asymmetries. Korean Journal of Linguistics  40.

2015. (With Sungeun Cho) Right Dislocation vs. Fragment: A Reply to Ko (2014). Studies in Generative Grammar 25:427-446.

2015. (With Jung Hyun Lim) Task effects on reading implausible sentences in an L2: Evidence from self-paced reading. Language and Linguistics 66: 187-214.

2014. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on Non-occurrence of Case Markers. Studies in Generative Grammar 24:881-898.

2014. (With Jong-Bai Hwang, Moongee Jeon) Decomposition of Morphologically Complex Words in L1 and L2: Evidence from Masked and Cross-Modal Priming Experiments of a Korean Verbal Suffix. Foreign Languages Education, 21(3).

2014. (With Yongjoon Cho, Jong-Bai Hwang, Moongee Jeon, Kisub Jeong, Jieun Kim) L2 morphological processing of Korean nominal marker -ka: evidence from masked and cross-modal priming with advanced Chinese learners. Linguistic Research 31:305-323.

2013. (With Chunpeng Cai, Jong-Bai Hwang, Moongee Jeon, Ji-Hyon Kim) Chinese Learners’ L2 Morphological Processing of Final and Prefinal Endings in Korean Verbs. Foreign Languages Education, 20(3).

2013. (With Sungeun Cho) On Apparent Problems of Pro Analysis of Null Argument. Studies in Generative Grammar 23:509-524.

2013. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on Apparent Xo Replacement of Pro. Korean Journal of Linguistics  38: 397-412.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) On null arguments and clausal ellipsis in Korean. Language and Linguistics 57: 95-123.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) On the nature of zero realization of arguments: A reply to Lee (2011). Linguistic Research 29:1-20.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) Some notes on two types of fragments in English. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 12: 903-921.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) On caseless fragments in Korean. To appear in  Studies in Modern Grammar.

2011. (With Jong-Bai Hwang) 대학 영어강의의 효과: 전공지식과 영어 능력 측면에서. 영어학 11-1:77-97.

The Effects of College-Level English-Mediated Instruction on Students' Acquisition of Content Knowledge and English Competence. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 10(1).

2011. (With An, Duk-Ho, Choi, Jung-Yun, Hwang, Jong-Bai, Kim, Ji-Hyon, & Jeon, Moongee) 한국어 어미와 선어말어미의 형태론적 처리: 점화실험을 중심으로. 언어과학연구 59:181-202. Morphological Processing of Final Endings and Pre-final Endings in Korean Verbs: Evidence from Priming Experiments. The Journal of Linguistic Science 59.

2011. (With Duk-Ho An) Fragments, Clause Type, and Clausal ArchitectureStudies in Generative Grammar 21:201-214.

2011. (With Duk-Ho An, Jung-Yun Choi, Moongee Jeon, Ji-Hyon Kim, Jong-Bai Hwang) Chinese Learners’ Processing of Nominal Suffixes in Korean. Foreign Languages Education 18(3):57-71.

2011. (With Duk-Ho An, Jung-Yun Choi, Moongee Jeon, Ji-Hyon Kim, Jong-Bai Hwang) Processing Nominal Suffixes in Korean: Evidence from Priming Experiments. Language and Information 15(1):1-12.

2011. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on two types of fragments. Linguistic Research 28:9-35.

2011. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on apparent DP ellipsis: A reply to Lee & Kim (2010)Korean Journal of Linguistics  36: 457-471.

2011. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on the absence of CP ellipsis in Japanese and Korean: A reply to Saito (2007). Studies in Modern Grammar 65:145-170.

2011. (With Sungeun Cho) On sloppy-like interpretation of null arguments. Linguistic Research 28:471-492.

2010. (With Sungeun Cho) More on the absence of CP ellipsis: A reply to Park (2009)Studies in Generative Grammar 20:549-576.

2010. (With Sungeun Cho) Reconstruction asymmetries in ellipsis: Implication for scrambling. Linguistic Analysis: 34, 3- 4 (Special Issue on Phase Edge Investigations. guest-edited by K. Grohmann and P. Panagiotidis).

2009. (With Sungeun Cho) On the absence of CP ellipsis in English and Korean. Korean Journal of Linguistics 34:267-281.

2009. (With Sungeun Cho) More on fragments in Korean: In defense of Ahn & Cho (2006)Studies in Generative Grammar 19:83-91.

2009. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on Fragments in English and Korean. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 9:327-349.

2009. (With Hwang, J., Han, J., Lim, I., Shim, C. and S. Cho) 체언-조사의 결합에 대한 제2언어 학습자의 인식 연구. 언어와 언어학 4:287-310. A Study on L2 Learners' Recognition of Korean Noun-Affix Combination. Language and Linguistics 4.

2008. (With Hwang, J., Han, J., Lim, I., Hong, J., and C. Shim) 외국인 학습자의 한국어 선어말어미 -시-, -았/었-, -겠-의 중첩 습득 연구. 언어과학 15:183-199. A Comparison of Foreign Learners' Acquisition of Korean Prefinal Endings. Journal of Language Sciences 15:183-199.

2008. (With Sungeun Cho) Cyclic Linearization Analysis of Predicate Fronting. Studies in Modern Grammar 54:57-82.

2007. (With Hwang, J., Han, J., Lim, I., and J. Hong) 외국인 학습자의 한국어 조사중첩 습득 연구. 외국어교육 14:391-416. A study on the acquisition of Korean double particles by foreign learners. Foreign Languages Education 14:391-416.

2007. (With Sungeun Cho) Subject-Object Asymmetries of Morphological Case Realization. Language and Information 11:53-76.

2007. 경동사 생략과 어휘의미구조. 현대문법연구 47-1:19-52. (NB: This is an updated version)

2006. (With Sungeun Cho) Unpronounced Case Markers and Apparent Subject-Object Asymmetry. Studies in Modern Grammar 43:55-80.

2006. (With Sungeun Cho) Wh-topics and unpronounced case markers. *doc. *hwpStudies in Generative Grammar 16:61-90.

2006. (With Sungeun Cho) On binding asymmetries in fragments. *doc. *hwp. Eoneohag [Linguistics] 44:123-155.

2006. (With Sungeun Cho) Layered nominal structures: Implications for caseless nominals. Korean Journal of Linguistics 31:165-185.

2006. (With Sungeun Cho) On form-function mismatch puzzles in fragments: An ellipsis approachDiscourse and Cognition 13:91-110.

2006. (With Yongjoon Cho) A dual analysis of verbless coordination in Korean.  Language Research 42:47-68.

2005. (With Sungeun Cho) On scope asymmetries in fragments. *doc. *hwp. Studies in Generative Grammar 15:661-678.

2002. (With Hyunsook Kang and Jeong-Im Han) Towards a Functional Account of Case Marker Reduction and Coda Neutralization in Korean. Discourse and Cognition 9(4):77-96.

2000. 한국식 영어에 대하여: 외래어를 대상으로. 건국대학교 교육대학원 교육논총 33집:61-71.

1999. 흔적 없는 변형문법. 언어 24(1):63-85.

1997. 영어의 명사구와 일치소. 생성문법연구 7(1):49-66.

1996. 결합현상과 핵이동. 생성문법연구 6(1):23-50.

1995. 언어 이론과 영어 교육. 영어영문학 41(1):235-251.

1994. 배분  형태론과 결합현상. 건국대학교 학술지 38.


Conference Presentations and Proceedings

2020. (With Sungeun Cho) 부가의문문과 조각문에 대한 소고. <한국어와 영어의 의문문에 관한 연구 동향> 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 • 한국생성문법학회 공동 주최, 1월 29일 (서강대학교).

2019. (With Sungeun Cho) Pro Analysis of Null Arguments Revisited. Universals of (c)overt anaphora in information packaging Workshop, June 28, Dongguk University.

2019. (With Rongju Li) L3 (KCE & CKE’s) Relative Clause Comprehension Study. International Conference on Multilingual Acquistion and Multilingual Education (IConMAME 2019), June 22-24, The Education University of Hong Kong.

2019. (With Sungeun Cho) On Apparent Violation on Left Branch Condition. Dongguk Occasional Seminar on Clefts, June 6, I-Space, Dongguk University.

2019. (With Rongju Li) L3 acquisition of English relative clauses by Korean & Chinese bilinguals: With special reference to the role of proficiency. [abstract] 2019 Joint Conference of Linguistic Societies in Korea, May 10-11, Kyung Hee University, Seoul.

2019. (With Sungeun Cho) A Theory of Scrambling and Reconstruction Asymmetries. [handout] Workshop on Scrambling, January 31, Sogang University.

2018. On relative clause deletion in English and Korean. [abstract] [PPT] Plenary Talk at Linguistic Society of Korea Conference held at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, June 28-29, 2018. 

2017. (With Sungeun Cho) A Hybrid Ellipsis Approach to Fragments in Korean. [extended abstract] [handout] 2017 Fall Joint Conference of SMOG, LAK and KGGC held at Daegu Catholic University (November 4).

2017. (With Haejin Jang) The role of L3 in the interpretation of articles with definite plurals in L2A(abstract). PPT. Presented at East Asian Psycholinguistics: Recent developments, a satellite workshop to The 25th Japanese Korean Linguistics Conference, October 15, 2017 at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.

2017. (With Sungeun Cho) A Limited Ellipsis Approach to Caseless Fragments in Korean. [paper] [poster] In Changguk Yim (ed.), Proceedings of the 19th Seoul International Coference on Generative Grammar. Seoul: Hankuk Publishing Co.

2017. (With Sungeun Cho) A Bi-clausal Analysis of Multiple Fragments in Korean. The 20th Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics. University of Helsinki, 27-29 June 2017.

2014. (With Sungeun Cho) Right Dislocation in Korean. 서울대 콜로키움 발표.

2014. (With Sungeun Cho) On Two Types of Fragments in Korean. 언어정보학회 발표.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) 격조사 생략에 대한 몇 가지 단상: 박정섭(2008), 홍용철(2011), 이한정(2012)를 중심으로. 2012 한국생성문법학회 가을학술대회, 충남대.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) On some ellipsis phenomena in Korean. In Bum-Sik Park (ed.), Proceedings of the 14th Seoul International Coference on Generative Grammar, 3-38. Seoul: Hankuk Publishing Co.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) Fragments vs. Null Arguments in Korean. In the Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar.

2012. (With Sungeun Cho) Ellipsis and movement asymmetries. The 1st World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics (WCSEL-1).

2012. Morphological Processing and Some Implications for Linguistic Theory. The International Society for Chomskyan Studies (ISCS) 2012 Winter Conference.

2011. (With Duk-Ho An) On the absence of VP ellipsis in Korean. 2011 Spring Korean Generative Grammar Circle Meeting.

2010. 국어학의 제문제와 생성문법. 2010 추계 한국생성문법학회/한국중원언어학회 공동학술대회.

2009. (With Sungeun Cho) Notes on CP and DP ellipsis. Proceedings of 11th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

2006. (With Yongjoon Cho) Semantic Identity vs. Phonological Identity: Some Implications for Verb-less Coordination in Korean. International Conference on East Asian Linguistics held at University of Toronto (Nov. 10-12).

2005. (With Sungeun Cho) The emergence of silent Cs and Ds in Korean: distribution and licensing. In K. Choi and C. Yim (eds.),  Ellipsis in Minimalism, 1-12. Seoul: Hankuk Publishing Co.

2005. Speculations on Phases in Korean. Korean Generative Grammar Circle Meeting.

2002. Notes on case alternations. Proceedings of International Circle of Korean Linguistics, 123-133. Praha, Czeck Republic.

1997. Deriving Pro-drop from Case-drop. Handout presented at Workshop on First Language Acquisition of East Asian Languages, July 23, 1997 Summer Linguistic Institute at Cornell University.

1996. A study of syntactic word formation. In H.-D. Ahn et. al. (eds.), SICOGG proceedings: Morphosyntax in Generative Grammar. Seoul: Hankuk Publishing Co.

1995. Speculations on Parameters and Language Acquisition. Special lecture given at Language Acquisition Society.

1995. Functional vs. Lexical Categories. Special lecture given at KGGC.

1992. Reconstruction effects in Korean. New Directions in Linguistics for the 21st Century, 219-227. Proceedings of the 1992 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics.

1990. An. Proceedings of International Circle of Korean Linguistics, Osaka, Japan. [The shortest title of paper in linguistics as far as I know!]

1990. (With Kazuhiko Tajima and Roger Martin) On the Proper Treatment of Scrambling. The 1st Meeting of Formal Linguistic Society of Mid America. University of Wisconsin, Madison.

1990. (With Kazuhiko Tajima and Roger Martin) A note on scrambling and other A-bar dependencies. ms, University of Wisconsin, Madison. [Still under revision now!]

1989. (With Hang-Jin Yoon) Functional categories in Korean. In S. Kuno et al. (eds.),  Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics  III: 79-88.

1988. Preliminary remarks on Korean NP. In Eung-Jin Baek (ed.),  Papers from the Sixth International Conference on Korean Linguistics, 1-15. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.

1988. Multidominance Structure, Scrambling and the Theory of Grammar in Korean. In the Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistic Society Meeting.

1985.  Nested dependency constraint and the theory of grammar. ms, University of Wisconsin, Madison.


2022.  [새정부에 바란다] 102세 철학자 김형석 글. [Hope for the new government] by 102-year-old philosopher Kim Hyung-seok .  English Translation by HDA

2020. 인류세시대에 무지의 자각을 촉구하며 현 지구공동체가 당면한 문제를 지적한 글. (An article pointing out the problems facing the current global community.)  Calling for the awareness of ignorance in the Anthropocene era.

2019. 아무도! 역발상을 강조한 글~ (An article emphasizing the reverse idea~) Nothing

2019. 영어영문학과 신입생들에게. 대학을 다녀야 하는 이유와 영어영문학 전공을 소개한 글. (An article introducing the reason to go to college and majoring in English literature.) To Freshmen (of English Major)

신입생들에게(For Freshmen): extended version
The article discusses several principles related to personal development and education. The first one is "read less, think more," highlighting the importance of developing inner wisdom through analysis and reflection rather than simply accumulating knowledge. The article also emphasizes the importance of university education in developing deep knowledge in various fields, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Finally, it notes the importance of balancing "cold-headed" reasoning with "warm-hearted" compassion to become a truly wise and virtuous person.

2016. 無知하면 無智하다. 대학이 대학다워야 한다는 글. 총장희망자들이 일독하면 좋을 듯~

2015. Caroline Ahn (my daughter). The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal: A Purely Political Motive. Term paper written for the course "War Crimes Trials and the Law of Genocide" by Professor Rosensaft. 위안부 문제 등과 같은 일본의 전쟁범죄와 관련하여 근원적인 책임을 고찰한 논문임--한마디로 미국의 책임이 더 크다는 것! (This paper examines the fundamental responsibility in relation to Japan's war crimes such as the comfort women issue--In a word, the responsibility of the United States is greater!)

2012. (With 정의준, 김석, 전문기) Report on Internet game addiction: 2012 경제·인문사회연구회 인문정책연구과제 최종보고서(안)--인터넷 게임 중독과 관련 정책에 대한 인문학적 중심의 학제적 연구

1991. Komocracy and Konglish. 한국식 민주주의, 한국식 영어 모두 가라!(Korean-style democracy, Korean-style English, all go away!)

자율전공학부 OT


2001. Lecture notes on 경동사 '-하' (Light verb HA). 서울대 언어학과 대학원. 본 강의에서 발전된 논문은 "안희돈. 2007. 경동사 생략과 어휘의미구조. 현대문법연구 47-1:19-52. (NB: This is an updated version)"를 참조할 것.