AR/VR, Metaverse and Industrial AI 

(증강/가상현실/메타버스, 산업 인공지능) 

* 석박사 대학원생 모집  (We are hiring self-motivated PhD and MS students to work with us on interesting research topics.)

Welcome to HCI & Design Intelligence Lab. in Industrial Engineering, Chonnam National University (전남대학교), South Korea. Our research interests include

1) Industrial AI + AR/VR (AR/VR 기반 메타버스 서비스,  산업 인공지능, AI기반 제조데이터 분석 (결함 탐지 및 분석)),

2) Manufacturing Metaverse (메타버스, 확장현실),

3) Human-Robot Collaboration Using AR and Deep Learning (휴먼-로봇 협업),

4) Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)-based Visualization and Collaboration, Vision + Language Model-based Interaction and Recommendation

5) Medical Data Segmentation, and Anomaly Detection (이상탐지) (e.g., M-GAN: Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation, Novel Surface Defect Detection)

-기타: 발표논문 및 프로젝트 참고 (Publications)