
Atmospheric and Analytical Chemistry Group

Prof. Patrick L. Hayes - Université de Montréal

Postdoctoral and research scientist positions available!

Smoke Plume over Yellowknife, NT

Welcome to the website for the Atmospheric and Analytical Chemistry Group at the Université de Montréal!  This website is a good location to learn about our research, recent news, and group members.  The site will be updated frequently.  Our research can be divided into two domains. First, we are interested in the chemistry of atmospheric organic aerosols.  Second, we study the fundamental chemical and physical interactions occurring at interfaces that are often important in the environment. In practice this research involves a unique combination of field work, laboratory studies, and laser spectroscopy.  An important goal is to provide new chemical insights that will be used in environmental policy and management.   

Position available: We are currently seeking a graduate student to carryout research on the chemistry of atmospheric aerosols. Please send CV, transcripts, and cover letter to PatrickLewisHayes@gmail.com, if you are interested.

Research internships: Our lab regularly hosts qualified research interns during the fall, winter and summer semesters.  To learn more e-mail PatrickLewisHayes@gmail.com and please include your transcript.