radiant heat floor

1. Bathroom Floor

Radiant heat can be used for many different purposes throughout the bathroom, whether you are using it to warm your towels, warm your floors or simply to warm the air around you. In this section we investigate the top uses of radiant heating in the bathroom, analyse the benefits of each, as well as recommending the top manufacturers to look out for in order to help you get started with your bathroom remodel at the lowest cost possible. Additionally in this section, we also bring you a collection of interesting articles related to heating bathrooms.

2. Kitchen Floor

Kitchens get a lot of wear and tear, much time is spent in this room, whether through cooking, cleaning or entertaining, and often its flooring will have cold ceramic tile, stone or laminate flooring. For this reason kitchens are also a prime candidate for radiant heat. In addition wet dish cloths and tea towels can benefit from drying on heated towel rack. We talk about these and many more radiant solutions in this section, as well as bringing you articles and stories about real-life radiant heating installations.

3. Living Room Floor

The Family room is often the focal point of the house, it serves a wide range of purposes and must be versatile in order to cope with each. Radiant floor heating can be installed underneath any floor type from tile and stone to carpet to hardwood, to help to improve your everyday life and comfort. We discuss floor warming options and many more radiant solutions in this section through the use of reviews as well as real-life stories and articles detailing other's experiences with radiant heat.

4. Bedroom Floor

The bedroom is a great place to add luxury through the use of electric floor heating designed especially to fit beneath carpets and laminate flooring. Alternatively you can also purchase under area rug heaters which you just need to place under your rug and plug into the mains to get going! For more information on these and other radiant solutions for your bedroom, as well as interesting articles on the subject, proceed to this section.