Conference of the European Public Choice Society 2024 held at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.

I am a Professor of economics in the Institute of Economics and Management at Nantes University. My research focuses on central bank communication, central bank decision-making process and media economics. I have been particularly interested in how computational linguistic tools (topic modeling, sentiment analysis, cognitive mapping...) can help gain some insights on how central banks and the media affect market perceptions and public beliefs about monetary policy. More recently, I started working on the link between monetary policy and issues such as climate change or racial inequality.

Below an overview about my different affiliations and responsibilities:

Full Professor (Professeur des universités) of Economics, Nantes University 

Member of the Executive board, French Economic Association

Curriculum Vitae


Mailing adress:

Hamza Bennani

IAE Erdre, Chemin la censive du tertre 

Bureau 327

44322 Nantes