About me

I'm a PhD student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, studying at the PhD program of ELSC Center for Brain Sciences. I finished my MSc degree at the faculty of physics, where I made a research in the field of solid state physics.

In my research I study models of information processing in the human brain, while trying to validate these in EEG experiments.

My PhD advisors are Prof. Naftali Tishby from the Hebrew University and Dr. Oren Shriki from Ben-Gurion University.

Contact: hadar.levi@mail.huji.ac.il

Research interests

  • Perception-action models

  • Single-trial analysis methods for EEG data

  • Statistical physics


The value–complexity trade-off for reinforcement learning based brain–computer interfaces. Hadar Levi-Aharoni and Naftali Tishby. Journal of Neural Engineering; doi: https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/abc8d8 (2020)

Surprise response as a probe for compressed memory states. Hadar Levi-Aharoni, Oren Shriki, Naftali Tishby. PLOS Computational Biology; doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007065 (2020)

The value-complexity trade-off for reinforcement-learning-based BCI. Hadar Levi Aharoni, Michal Moshkovitz, Stas Tiomkin, Bar Iluz, Sarel Duanis and Naftali Tishby. Poster presentation at The Seventh International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting.

A Quest for the Cortical Representation of Subjective Surprise With a Virtual Reality Neurofeedback Platform. Proceedings of the Sixth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting. Hadar Levi Aharoni, Oren Alkoby, Naftali Tishby and Oren Shriki. DOI:10.3217/978-3-85125-467-9-120

Anomalous photovoltage and charging effects in nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 composites (pdf)

M.Sc. thesis, under the supervision of prof. Oded Millo and prof. Isaac Balberg

Anomalous photovoltaic effect in nanocrystalline Si/SiO2 composites (pdf).

Hadar Levi Aharoni, D. Azulay, O. Millo, I. Balberg. Applied Physics Letters 92, 112109 (2008)