Download Head-to-Head Atari Adventure


version 2.0 - h2hadventure-installer.exe

- Download and run

- Will install and create a desktop shortcut

- Security may warn you this file is "not often downloaded" (too true) or that the signature needs to be updated (see below for explanation). Go ahead and install anyway.

- Can be uninstalled through Control Panel or through uninstaller at location where adventure was installed.

- If Windows prompts you about allowing inbound traffic, select all networks and allow it.


version 2.0 - adventure.pkg

- Download and open.

- Your Mac will refuse. You will be told it cannot check it for malicious software (see below for explanation). You need to

- open "System Preferences"

- click "Security & Privacy"

- click the "General" tab

- click "Open Anyway"

- Click "Open" on the popup that appears

- Follow instructions on the installer (your installer window may be hidden behind other windows at this point) and it will install in /Applications.


version 2.0 - adventure.apk

- Visit link with Android phone, download apk and agree to install


version 2.0 -

Security Warnings Explained

When this application was built 2 years ago I paid $400 and was aided by Junto Media LLC to get a grade A certificate stating this app can be trusted. The certificate expired after a year and I did not pay the money to renew, but aside from being expired the application you download is signed and verifiably safe.