
Gayoung Lee

Hi, I am a researcher at NAVER AI Lab. I received B.S. and M.S.(Advisors : Prof. Junmo Kim and Prof. Yu-Wing Tai) at KAIST. My current research interest is improving and utilizing generative models for image creation.

Email : gayoung.lee@navercorp.com

Google Scholar


  • Generator Knows What Discriminator Should Learn in Unconditional GANs (ECCV 2022) [project page]
    Gayoung Lee, Hyunsu Kim, Junho Kim, Seonghyeon Kim, Jung-Woo Ha, Yunjey Choi

  • Few-shot compositional font generation with dual memory (ECCV 2020) [paper] [project page]
    Junbum Cha, Sanghyuk Chun,
    Gayoung Lee, Bado Lee, Seonghyeon Kim, Hwalsuk Lee

  • Unpaired Sketch-to-Line Translation via Synthesis of Sketches (Siggraph ASIA 2019, technical brief) [paper]
    Gayoung Lee, Dohyun Kim, Youngjoon Yoo, Dongyoon Han, Jung-Woo Ha, Jaehyuk Chang

  • ELD-net: An efficient deep learning architecture for accurate saliency detection (TPAMI 2017) [paper] [project page]
    Gayoung Lee, Yuwing Tai, Junmo Kim

  • Deep Saliency with Encoded Low level Distance Map and High Level Features (CVPR 2016) [ArXiv] [project page]
    Gayoung Lee, Yuwing Tai, Junmo Kim