
I am Maître de Conférences HDR at the Institut National Universitaire Champollion and the Institut de Mathématiques de ToulouseI study mainly symplectic and contact geometry and topology and their interactions with other fields.

In Toulouse, I co-organise the Geometry and Topology seminar.  I am a member of the ANR Cosy and am organizing a conference on Persistance Homology in Symplectic and Contact Topology in Albi.

Email : jean.gutt (at) univ-jfc (dot) fr

Office : Emile Borel 119

Postal address : Place de Verdun, 81012 Albi, France

Email : jean.gutt (at) math.univ-toulouse.fr

Office : 1R2 241

Postal address : 18 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse