

This experience will model the Google tools as technical and educational solutions to empower educators to develop authentic, relevant, and digital learning. This is an asynchronous course with on-demand support so please reach out anytime for help - You can find me at these social media site links below or by using email.

+Rich Kiker | @rkiker | rkiker@gmail.com

Before You Begin - Take a look at the Course Syllabus and the Tips and Tricks page to the left below the home page in the welcome section for the course description and project options. Each module is built in a 3 part scaffold of:

Additionally, you will find curated resource bookmarks at the bottom of each page, video playlists that provide additional media rich learning materials, and challenge activities to stretch your thinking.  I encourage creativity and relevance in all of your projects - This course is about you getting what you need, not me defining the outcomes for you! On that same note, I pride myself as a proactive communicator - Please email questions, concerns, ideas, or any other thought at any time!

Resource Bookmarks

Chromebooks  |  Chrome  |  Drive  |  Gmail  |  Calendar  |  Google EDU  |  Google+  |  Sites  |  Google Apps  |  Web2.0  |  eLearning