Project assignments

Assignments in 2021

UNEP Low Emission Development Strategies (complete remaining 1-country mission)

GIZ ProSoil projets (Soil Protection & Rehabilitation), Review of 3 country programmes, for ICON institute

Assignments in 2020

UNEP Low Emission Development Strategies (8 countries in Africa)

UNDP (Mali) Climate Risk and Flood Management project (GEF) Mid-Term Review

Assignments in 2019

UNEP Kalahari-Namib Project (SLM in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa) Terminal Evaluation

Until July: work for MDF (baseline studies, evaluations)

Assignments in 2018

The remaining year: work for MDF

EU Water Towers Programme in Kenya, Mt Elgon and Cherangani Hills, Mid-Term Review (for NIRAS)

Assignments in 2017

FAO Djibouti Mid-Term Review.

RAIN Tanzania training on slope protection.

FAO / UN Women team to document Good Practices for Resilience, including 'Pastoral Resource Sharing', 'Control of PPR', and 'Conservation with commercial fodder production'. And supporting FAO in the formulation of a programme proposal (for EU crossborder programme Mandera triangle).

Assignments in 2016

For most of 2016 Ms Pinners continued as Team Leader in the Western Kenya soil project.

Later in the year in South Sudan a project proposal was developed, combining emergency aid with initial support for productive activities.

Assignments in 2015

For SNV Tanzania's rice project a baseline study was carried out, in collaboration with the project team who were trained on the job.

ILO Kenya's Youth Entrepreneurship Programme was presented a context analysis based on a large amount of evidence covering politics, media and research.

For GOPA's proposal for a GIZ project in Northern Kenya input was delivered. Likewise for the proposal for a GIZ soil conservation and rehabilitation project in Western Kenya, and Ms Pinners became Team Leader of that project.

Assignments in 2014

The year started with a straightforward slope project for Lagoon Development Ltd. who build a villa park on the Kilifi lagoon shore; part of the site is facing serious challenges and Green Cycle Consulting Ltd. is proud to do its part to mitigate this, using Vetiver System (partly combined with geo-textile).

GCC supported Uganda Highways Authority to engage Alain Ndona to protect slopes with Vetiver System, on two highways. Christian Makokha was his collaborator from Kenya.

Working with the Platform for Land Use Sustainability (PLUS-K) proved fruitful in Sigor irrigation project (funded by Italian Cooperation): gully rehabilitation (and -training) was done, and more works are in the pipeline.

Assignments in 2013

In Kenya GCC's work for clients of the Business Advocacy Fund (BAF) became highly interesting (considering the AFFA bill, taxes for coffee and tea sector, and two dozen other issues that were raised in the networks supported by BAF). This GCC consultant ran the secretariat of the Agricultural Industry Network (AIN), and another network, and did coaching of members to develop their policy positions and advocacy strategies.

Several assignments were done in the water sector (especially water resource management).

The consultant was also active for clients outside Kenya (freelance, not for this company, for clients including Dorsch and GFA, in southern Africa and in Zambia).

With the NGO PLUS-K (Platform for Land Use Sustainability) there was also catchment protection in Lodwar, Turkana (for a local NGO).

Assignments in 2012

  • Presentation in the Kenya Roads Board was well received !!! They propose several site for pilots with Vetiver, not only in Busia County (with KeRRA) but also in other different areas in Kenya. Elise Pinners & George Simba take the lead (PALWECO-Busia) and a write-up is being prepared; international expertise is to be hired.

  • Naivasha Basin Sustainability Initiative / African Trees: in collaboration with PLUS-K several trainings and nurseries established in the Mau part of the Basin, and now NBSI is ready for direct collaboration with PLUS-K to expand the practice; Elise Pinners (GCC) is the lead expert.

  • Kajiado/Isinya: Small demo on stream embankment protection and small nursery; plans for larger nursery in school.

  • GCC is supporting PLUS-K in knowledge networking, and assisting innovative farmers (mostly with well established nurseries) with promotion of Vetiver System for on-farm purposes and other uses; Paul Kombo (Voi) got himself in the press several times, Caleb Omolo (Rongo) has supplied to an increasing number of clients, Christian Makokha (Bunyala) travels across Kenya (and Uganda?) to promote Vetiver System and is our hope for future work in Busia and elsewhere, etc.

  • The entire network starts to play up: there's now so many things in the pipeline for 2013, some of it directly by GCC (e.g. the introduction into the roads sector, and work for commercial flower/veg. farms around L. Naivasha), some of it with PLUS-K: Lodwar irrigation, north-of-Lodwar handicraft, Kabernet on-farm, collaboration with ELI (Kerio Valley)and with the Naivasha Basin Sustainability Initiative, IF this all come true, then 2013 must be a really lucky year !!!

Assignments in 2011

  • Tailor-made training/workshop on IVC, for Intermediary Organisations in dairy and tea sectors (4 countries)

  • Training & advice for Nairobi Water & Sewage Company (NWSC), on Vetiver System for protection of banks, inlets & outlets, and water treatment (hydroponics & artificial wetlands)

  • Sub-contracted for EIA report for Kenya Railways Makadara and Imara Daima stations - in collaboration with Allied Environmental Ltd.

  • Part-time Capacity Development Advisor for NIRAS-Finland (PALWECO-Busia) (long-term contract).

Assignments in 2010

  • Providing Advice for Neylan farm (in the Mara) on flood protection for dams.

  • Formulation part of GLECA management plan (section for zone IV: farm areas).

  • Introduction Vetiver System to communities (WRUA) in Greater Lake Elmenteita Conservation Area (GLECA), for these applications: wetlands rehab, on-farm Soil & Water Conservation (crop-based intervention packages)

  • EIA for Kenya Railways (Syokimau Railway Station) - in collaboration with Allied Environmental Ltd.

  • Presentation on Vetiver System to reverse land degradation and disaster mitigation, in a workshop introducing Vetiver System, Kampala, Uganda (organised by EnviroConserve & AgroEco /Louis Bolk institute, and input fr. Uganda Vetiver Network).

  • Presentation on Vetiver Systems for treatment of industrial waste water, for industry representatives in Athi River (MAVWASCO & clients).

  • Training KHIBT (thanks to Hydromulch Ltd.) & KERRA roads technicians on Vetiver Systems for Soil & Water Conservation for roads. This Training of Trainers was organised by in the Roads2000 programme (ILO/SIDA). Vetiver System featured in class and in practice.

  • VETIVER SYSTEM FOR ROADSIDE SLOPE PROTECTION - THIS IS A FIRST IN KENYA !!!Training road engineers on Vetiver Systems, in Addis Ababa (Ethiopian Roads Authority).

  • Water management planning for large flower farm (VandenBerg Roses) in Naivasha (in collaboration with Green-water Solutions).

  • Presentation 'Fast degradation requires fast regeneration: ecosystems rehab with Vetiver System bio-engineering', for pre-conference of Kenya's 2010 International Conference on Biodiversity, Land-use and Climate Change.

Assignments in 2008 and 2009

  • Organisation of international workshop on Vetiver in Nairobi (TVNI)

  • Presentation in the International Engineers' Conference, theme: food, water & energy security, Nairobi (IEK)

  • Field survey in Taveta (CDF, request from Hon. Naomi Shaban)

  • Establishment of 12 Vetiver nurseries in Nyanza (NEMA) see picture: participants splits a slip during the slip counting contest

  • Introduction Vetiver Systems to researchers in Katumani (KARI)

  • Presentation in Kenyatta University (Environmental club)

  • Training Kerio Valley community facilitators on land-use planning, landscaping with Vetiver (ELI-PLUS-Kenya partnership).