Green inclusive development
Policy & strategy development: for resilience, climate change adaptation, multi-stakholder NRM
Policy advocacy and -research
Strategic reviews, policy research, -advocacy planning and coaching
Programme / project identification, and formulation
Project Cycle Management
Team leader
Programme mid-term reviews and -evaluations
Baseline studies
Design of M&E systems (also online systems)
Training on-, facilitation for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)
Making Markets Work for the Poor: policy environment
Agriculture & forestry commodity and value chain and -market development
M4P for policy innovation
Crop-based, yet integrated, sustainable (climate smart) agricultural extension
Technical niche expertise on bio-engineering (Vetiver System)
On-farm soil & water conservation, land rehabilitation (gullies, coastal dunes)
Infrastructure slope protection and -drainage, for roadsides and water bodies
Artificial wetlands for decontamination of water and polluted land, dumpsites, quarries
Solutions that stick & stay, like fertile CLAY:
C: Collective vision on land & water resource management
L: Lead & educate stakeholders to value ecosystem services
A: Adjust and adopt innovations, for biodiversity and stronger ecosystem services, so as to...
Y: Yield more, quality & quantity of water & food, for us today, and for our future children.
Green Cycle Consulting (GCC)
Registered in Kenya from 2009 to 2017; since January 2018 registered in the Netherlands.
Platform for Land Use Sustainability Kenya (PLUS-Kenya see facebook)
The Vetiver Network International (TVNI see facebook and, top-rated 'Best Non-Profit' in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 (
GCC's Director, Ms Elise Pinners (MSc Wageningen University & Research)
Agronomist with +30 years work experience, mostly in the agriculture and livestock, and natural and water resource management sectors. After a career as employee for NGOs (SNV, VECO), Elise started as consultant in Vietnam, employed by Agrifood Consulting, taking on projects for clients including World Bank, FAO, IFAD and GIZ. From 2007 to 2017 based in Kenya, working as freelancer in East and Southern Africa, for MDF-ESA, NIRAS, GOPA, VSF, GFA, Dorsch, FAO and others, for clients including EU, ILO, GIZ and DFID.
Ms Pinners holds a broad spectrum of expertise, mostly, but not limited to the sectors of agriculture forestry, land & water resource management; occasionally she did assignments in the sectors education, health, WASH, emergency aid, science, media and last but not least infrastructure, for which Ms Pinners holds specific expertise on bio-engineering innovations (training, design and implementation on i) on-farm and landscape rehabilitation; ii) slope protection for roadsides, riverbanks, housing development sites, coastal dunes, and iii) wetlands for waste water treatment.
Working in a multi-cultural environment, she an effective an reliable team leader, with unquestionable ethical credentials.
Ms Pinners is a TVNI Director and PLUS-Kenya founder.
Green Cycle Consulting Ltd. is registered in the Netherlands since 15-01-2018 (KvK 70666156)
(it was registered in Kenya from 2008 to July 2017)