
AND where YOUR Money GOES??


Meadow Farms App BELOW

You can now SELL ONLINE and use TEXT to PAY!

Follow instructions on the envelope that will be sent home on Friday, September 20th.

Recent News

The Green Acres PTG helped purchase a

"Creation Station" for every classroom.

In 2013, the PTG voted to purchase "Creation Stations" for every classroom at Green Acres. Each station includes a

TV to be used as a monitor for the Google Chromebooks and Chromecasts. These stations will allow our students and teachers to access and integrate technology into both teaching and learning. The PTG is very excited to have been able to help provide this opportunity to our students and teachers.

TV's for EVERY classroom

Without the very generous support of our parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends, this nearly $13,000 donation would not have been possible. Thank you very much for your generous support of our fundraising efforts!

"Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together."

Paul Ryan

It truly does take a village, city, and community effort in order to raise funds for all that the Green Acres PTG (and you) do for our students!

Our Green Acres Community is especially helpful in our efforts to provide for each and every student at our school!!!

Each year our Green Acres PTG budget covers additional funding to our school for books, literacy supplies, computers, teacher grant requests, field trips, assemblies, classroom supplies, field day supplies, outdoor improvements and playground needs and so much more! We have wish list items too!

Our flat budget works out to just about $60.00 per student needed through fundraising dollars. In catalog fundraising terms that’s about $145.00 in sales per student. Consider this math problem…if each student in our school had $145.00 in sales, we could fully fund our budget.

We've tried catalog fundraisers, citrus fundraisers, coupon books and even a cash raffle. Taking profit and practicality into consideration - catalog fundraisers essentially give us our biggest bang for the buck.

We realize that no one loves fundraising.

The timing at the beginning of the school year is always a tough one.

Everyone is fundraising at the same time including our neighboring middle school, the bands, many sports groups, etc.

We understand!

We only ask that you please do the very best that you can!

Please join us at our regular PTG meetings to hear more about what we're up to....everyone is always welcome!


Regular orders are due on OCTOBER 4th, 2019. Orders can be turned in at school to your student’s teacher.

All checks should be written to GREEN ACRES PTG.

Non-Perishable Orders will ship directly to your home…there is NO SCHOOL PICK UP!

Please be sure to fill your forms out COMPLETELY!!


will come to school. We will send home notices and post on Facebook when we expect the orders to arrive.

"It takes collaboration across a community to develop better skills for better lives."

Jose Angel Gurria