
Ancient Greek Science

Science and technology was an important part of Ancient Greece. Pythagoras and Hippocrates discovered many things about science and mathematics. Pythagoras invented the Pythagorean Theorem and Hippocrates is called "The Father of Modern Medicine. Because of these great men our whole world changed.

                                        School of Aristotle

Aristotle is the son of a physician, one of the most brilliant student at Plato's academy. The significant contribution he opened was a school in Hellenistic called "Lyceum". People now can see the school in Greek. Aristotle teach his students lots of thing including Alexander the great son of the Pill II, the king of Macedonia. Aristotle told Alexander about public speaking, science, and philosopher. So Alexander change the Greek until he died in 337 B.C.E. when he was age 33. Aristarchu's was the first person to find out that earth moves around the sun. heliocentric theory Even he found out the distance between earth and sun.    learn moreDoctor of Greek

In Greece, people believed the gods and goddesses manage the natural events also health and sickness. In the Paleolithic Greeces people thought illnesses were punishments by the gods. But Hippocrates believes that illnesses had an explanation. Hippocrates was a Greek physician born in 460 BC on the island of Cos, Greece. Hippocrates articulates his students to contemplate what they see from the person who have disease. If Hippocrates didn’t change the way people thought about disease. We would think the same thing as Greece.                                                                                          Hellenistic MathematicA Hellenistic scientist Pythagoras was born in the island of Samos, Greece in 569 BC. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who made important developments in mathematics he was famous Mathematician for coming up with the Pythagorean Theorem. “Geometry” that usually start with the Pythagorean theorem about right-angled triangles: a²+b²=c². The C is the hypotenuse, A and B are the legs of the triangle. Pythagoras, his school students improve mathematical theories. He was attracted by “geometry”. Geometry mean in Greek “ to measure land”. Greece manufactured new and impressive methods by using "geometry" for example plant, seed and       other more. Pythagoras died about 475 BC in Metapontum, Lucania. We still use Pythagorean Theorem today in mathematics.Pythagoras Some other great Greek Mathematicians were Euclid and Hypatia. Euclid is was famous for his Elements, a "presentation in thirteen books of the geometry" and other mathematics known in his day. The first woman in mathematic Hypatia was born in Egypt 370 CE. She additionally taught philosophy and mathematics in Greek. Hypotia didn’t marry she died when she was young. Hyapotia was the first famous woman shat teach philosophy and mathematics in Alexandria. we know about philosophy and mathematics.


  http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/PictDisplay/Euclid.htmMore Images of Euclid

Aristotle is the brilliant student he made a school called "Lyceum". Hippocrates change the way people thought about maiden and health. Pythagoras, came up with Pythagorean Theorem.