Theresa Greaney
I am a Professor at the University of Hawai`i, Department of Economics. Prior to coming to UH, I worked at Syracuse University in upstate New York, and I have worked in Japan and in Washington, D.C. as a teacher and researcher. I received my Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan and my B.A. in economics from Stanford University.
My early research focused on topics related to US-Japan trade friction. More recently I have published papers on the effects of international trade and foreign direct investment on labor markets in China, Japan and South Korea. In 2016, I co-directed a research project entitled "Trade, Growth and Economic Inequality in the Asia-Pacific Region", which became the topic of my keynote address at an international symposium entitled "New Normal, Integration and Inequality" in Jakarta, Indonesia in March 2017. I also was honored to be invited to participate in the G20 Global Financial Stability Conference 2019 in Seoul, South Korea. Several of my recent working papers address issues involving global influences on gender inequality. Please check out my Research webpage for more details.