the boy least likely to - the best party ever

the boy least likely to

by Grant Moser

June 2006

The Brooklyn Rail

* Link to original article

From the cover art to the sparkling, bubbly tunes, the best party ever is the album you never expected. The first song, “Be Gentle With Me,” sets the tune of this happy, bouncy album (a pretty rare thing nowadays) and sets you up for the tambourines, triangles, xylophones, and recorders throughout the album. If Winnie the Pooh had musical talent, this would be his band. As sing-songy as the album might come off, this collaboration is about growing up and getting older—while not losing that simple, magical worldview we had as kids. With lyrics like “If I wasn’t so happy/I wouldn’t be so scared of dying” and “I’ve got nothing to worry about/So I worry about nothing,” and song titles like “Warm Panda Cola” and the incredibly catchy “I’m Glad I Hitched My Apple Wagon to Your Star,” this release is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stagnant world. It makes me smile.