Associate Professor of Economics

Physical address: 77 rue Michelet, 42100 Saint-Etienne, France

Phone : +334 77 42 19 57

Email : 

Groupe d'analyse et de théorie économique, UMR 5824, University of Saint-Etienne.

Saint-Etienne School of Economics

Head of the Master 1 Analyse et Politique Economique

Head and Founder of the Master Political Engineering

Head and Founder of the Microcertification Artificial Intelligence: Challenges, Opportunities & Practical Cases

Research topics: economic theory, game theory, social choice, coalition formation.

Short bio: I am currently a member at the GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne and Saint-Etienne School of Economics, where I also head two Master's programs. My academic journey began with a Master's degree in Pure Mathematics from Paris-Saclay and a Master's in Theoretical Economics from Paris Panthéon Sorbonne. I completed my doctoral thesis at Paris Panthéon Sorbonne and Paris School of Economics under the supervision of Michel Grabisch. My scientific and educational activity primarily concentrates on theoretical economics, particularly in game theory and social choice theory. Many of my research articles emphasize the axiomatic method. Former Phd students: Kevin Techer and David Lowing


Working papers:

My Profile on Google Scholar

List of Peer-Reviewed International Conference Presentations

Invitation to Participate in Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences

Past events:

Announcement of Tenure-Track Position: Saint-Etienne School of Economics is opening a tenure track position in Economic Design, Cooperative Game Theory and Social Choice. The position benefits from substantial research funding (278 000 €) and substantial teaching reduction (2/3 of the regular teaching load, or 42 h / year). Depending on the seniority of the successful candidate, the tenure evaluation will take place after 3 or 5 years, and it will lead to full professorship. The deadline for applying is May 23rd, 2022 at 4 p.m. (CEST). More information can be found here.

Workshop announcement: I am pleased to co-organize the workshop "GO22  Games and Optimization 2022)", which will take place on April 14-15, 2022 at Saint-Etienne. The event will gather worldwide researchers in social choice theory and game theory.  Information and full program are available here.

The Saint-Etienne School of Economics will be inaugurated on Thursday, October 14. A press conference will be held in the school's premises on rue Michelet.

Workshop announcement: I am pleased to co-organize the workshop "INDEPTH (Institutional Design and Economic Preferences: THeory and experiments)", which will take place on 28 and 29 March 2019 in Saint-Etienne. The event will gather world-wide researchers in social choice theory and game theory.  Information and full program available here.

Du 4 au 6 juillet 2018 se tiendront les Journées SDA2 2018 : Systèmes Dynamiques, Automates & Algorithmes à Saint-Etienne (France).

Annonce événement. Je suis heureux de coorganiser avec Antoinette Baujard et Mostapha Diss l'événement francophone "Faire de la politique autrement ? Théorie et pratique du choix social", qui se tiendra les 27 et 28 avril 2017 à Saint-Etienne.  La première journée sera une journée d’étude académique consacrée au vote par évaluation.  Le seconde journée vise à présenter la théorie du choix social et du bien-être à destination du grand public, occasion de discuter la place des économistes dans les décisions et le débat publics.

Workshop announcement: I am pleased to organize the workshop "MARS: Measures, Axioms, Rights and Stability in coalitions and networks", which will take place on March 22-23 2017 in Saint-Etienne. The event will gather world-wide researchers in theoretical economics dealing with the questions of axiomatic, stability, rights, allocations and externalities within coalitions and networks.  Information and full program available here.