My debut romance series, Sisters by Marriage, started more as a fun exercise than an attempt to publish in a different genre. However, the reviews and the response to Book 1 spurred me to write Book 2, 3, and 4. 

The books in the series are:

New Series.

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I write under my name Gita V. Reddy and under the pennames Jessica Spencer (Sweet Regency Romances) and Heera Datta (Historical Fiction).

I have written novels, a novella, short chapter books, short stories, and picture books. My books for adults are written   Read more ...


The Morning Star is a story of love and sacrifice and the unseen hand of destiny.

A desperate woman calls a neighbor before dying in childbirth. Is it a coincidence that she chooses someone who will give her all to save the baby from its unscrupulous father?

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In a Tapestry of Tears, Gita V. Reddy strips away the curtain of mystery surrounding the lives of Indian women. She takes us into their world and shares both the pleasures and horrors of their reality. You immediately come to care about these women and about what will happen to them~ Donna Foley Mabry, Author.

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"These quietly told, often touching and occasionally mystical tales explore issues within Indian families, both in India and the west, and the conflicts involving in moving between the two," Emma Laybourn, Author.

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“Give these letters to the British Museum so that the world may know he loved me once.”

Poignant words, more so when spoken from the deathbed.  Catherine was Charles Dickens' wife and mother of his ten children.  Read more ...

Picture Books for Kids
Ages 9-14
Ages 8-12


Rescuing Miss Fairfax

Kids Stories, Chapter Books, and More!

The channel has Flipbooks for Kids and Audiobooks for children 8-10

are supplementary readers in some schools.