Gabriel Intriago

About me

I am an Instructor at ESPOL University in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where I lead the Industrial Instrumentation Laboratory. Also, I work as researcher fellow at two projects: 'Dynamic State Estimation in Power Systems' led by Prof. Douglas Plaza and 'Marine Vehicles' at the Vision and Robotics Center (CVR) led by Prof. Daniel Ochoa.

My main research interests lie in the intersection of estimation algorithms, power systems and robotics. I am curious about the following topics:

    • The Particle Filter applied in the localization of unmanned autonomous vehicles for exploration, search and rescue.

    • The unbalance in the demand and supply due to the intermittency of renewable energy sources such as solar or wind and the increasing number of electrical vehicles charging stations.

    • The exploration of side-channels for power-attacks of multi-tenant datacenters also knonw as colocation.

    • I want to improve or discover new state estimation algorithms as the scale of power grid continues to increase, and renewable energy sources penetrate quickly rising the demand for fast and accurate state estimation techniques.

    • Much of the energy used in a data center is used to mantain excess service capacity during periods of low load. I am interested in developing designs that allow the service capacity to be dynamically resized to match the current workload.

At ESPOL, I am working on techniques for dynamic state estimation of state variables in Power Systems. To date, I have worked with Weighted Least Square, Extended Kalman Filter and Particle Fiter. Besides, I also work in the area of autonomous systems for marine vehicles.

Years ago, I worked in industry where I implemented a wireless home automation system based on Zigbee and Zwave; that work served me as my final capstone project for my Bachelor in Science in Electrical Engineering.

My interests besides engineering are online marketing, financial crisis hindsight and latinamerican economic analysis. I also like to listen to podcasts such as GaryVee audio experience, Odd Lots and Masters in Business from Bloomberg, 5 on 45 of The Brookings Institution.

This is my CV. You can read me on wordpress.