Processing of gas in distant cluster galaxies

In the recent years my research has been focused on the investigation of distant brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and cluster core galaxies. The main goal is to unveil the co-evolution of these galaxies with their super massive engines and the surrounding intra-cluster medium (ICM), which may fuel and regulate the star formation via accretion of cold gas, as often observed so far only in local cool-core clusters. Since 2016 I led several studies based on IRAM observations (IRAM 30m and NOEMA) with the aim to investigate the molecular gas properties of distant cluster galaxies, as they evolve from the outskirts to the cluster cores.

Please visit the links and the description below for more details about the results of this ongoing campaign!


Cluster LIRGs at z~0.2-0.5 in the HLS and LoCuSS surveys

Molecular gas and star formation properties of the largest samples of cluster Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) at intermediate redshifts.

Castignani, Jablonka et al. 2020, A&A

Depletion timescale, τdep = M (H2)/SFR, normalized to the main sequence as a function of the normalized projected cluster centric radius r/r200 . Surprisingly, short depletion time scales are found for cluster core LIRGs (Castignani, Jablonka et al. 2020)

Two companion cluster galaxies at z=1.2

Castignani, Combes et al. 2018, A&A, 617, 103

ISCS J1426.5+3339 cluster at z=1.2; target pair of cluster galaxies, unresolved by NOEMA, with overlaid CO(2-1) contours; CO(2-1) spectrum (Castignani et al. 2018)