Gharad Bryan
Associate Professor, London School of Economics
Development, Behavioural, Urban, Environmental

Email - Curriculum Vitae 

Working Papers

How Much Should We Trust Observational Estimates? Accumulating Evidence Using Randomized Controlled Trials with Imperfect Compliance

(with Rhys Bernard, Chabe-Ferret, de Quidt, Fliegner and Rathelot)

Market Design for Land Trade: Evidence from Uganda and Kenya

(with de Quidt, Silva-Vargas, Wilkening and Yadav)


Big Loans to Small Businesses: Predicting Winners and Losers in an Entrepreneurial Lending Experiment 

(with Karlan and Osman)

American Economic Review, forthcoming

Encouragement and Distortionary Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers

(with Chowdhury, Mobarak, Morten and Smits)

Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Among Ghana’s Rural Poor is Effective Regardless of Baseline Mental Distress 

(with Barker, Karlan, Ofori-Atta and Udry)

CBT Manual
American Economic Review: Insights, 2022

Could Gentrification Stop the Poor from Benefitting From Urban Infrastructure?

(with Balboni, Morten and Siddiqi)

American Economic Review: P&P, 2021

Randomizing Religion: The Impact of Protestant Evangelism on Economic Outcomes

(with Choi and Karlan)

Online Appendix. Training Materials

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2021

Cities in The Developing World

(with Glaeser and Tsivianidis)

Annual Review of Economics, 2020

Blue Porches: Finding the Limits of External Validity of the Endowment Effect

(with Grant, Haggag, Karlan, Startz and Udry)

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2020 

The Aggregate Productivity Effects of Internal Migration: Evidence from Indonesia

(with Morten)

Journal of Political Economy, 2019

Ambiguity Aversion Decreases Demand For Partial Insurance: Evidence from African Farmers

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2019

Referrals: Peer Screening and Enforcement in a Consumer Credit Field Experiment

(with Karlan and Zinman)

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2015

Under-investment in a Profitable Technology: The Case of Seasonal Migration in Bangladesh

(with Chowdhury and Mobarak)

Econometrica, 2014

Commitment Devices

(with Karlan and Nelson)

Annual Review of Economics, 2010  

Work In Progress

Learning to See the World’s Opportunities: The Impact of Visualization on Entrepreneurial Success

(with Ashraf, Delfino, Holmes, Iacovone and Pople)

Transportation, Gentrification, and Urban Mobility: The Inequality Effects of Place-Based Policies

(with Balboni, Morten and Siddiqi)