Gerelt Tserenjigmid 

I am an assistant professor of economics at UC Santa Cruz.  

I received my PhD in Economics from Caltech in 2016 and my BA in Economics from the University of Tokyo in 2011. Before joining UCSC, I was an assistant professor of economics at Virginia Tech.  For the academic year 2023-24, I visited the University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests

Microeconomic Theory, Decision Theory, Revealed Preference Theory, Behavioral Economics, and Game Theory.

Email: gtserenj [at] ucsc [dot] edu 

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Working Papers

1. Revealed Preferences For Dynamically Inconsistent Models (with Federico Echenique)

    First Draft: May 2023, Current Version: July 2023. New!! [PDF]   Revise and Resubmit at Review of Economic Studies

2. Measuring Stochastic Rationality (with Efe A. Ok

     First Draft: June 2021, Current Version: Dec 2023. New!! [PDF]      Previously titled: Comparative Rationality of Random Choice Behaviors   Revise and Resubmit at American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

3. Inertial Updating with General Information (with A. Dominiak and M. Kovach) 

     First Draft: June 2020, Current Version: Jan 2021. [PDF]     Previously titled: Minimum Distance Belief Updating with General Information

4. Inertial Updating (with A. Dominiak and M. Kovach)

   First Draft: July 2022, Current Version: Mar 2023. New!! [PDF] [slide]    This paper subsumes ``Ordered Surprises and Conditional Probability Systems" (with A. Dominiak and M. Kovach) [PDF]

5.  Price Heterogeneity as a Source of Heterogeneous Demand (with John Quah)

    First Draft: Jan 2022, Current Version: Jan 2022. [PDF][slide]

6. The Focal Quantal Response Equilibrium (with Matthew Kovach)

   First Draft: Feb 2018, Current Version: Mar 2023. New!! [PDF]   Previously titled: Regret and Bounded Rationality in Games: The Focal Quantal Response Equilibrium

7. History-Dependent Risk Aversion, the Reinforcement Effect, and Dynamic Monotonicity 

   First Draft: Oct 2015, Current Version: April 2021. [PDF]   An older version with additional results (axiomatic characterization, asset pricing application) [PDF]

Work in Progress

1. Afriat Efficiency for Random Utility Models (with Joerg Stoye)