Chih-Ming Lin


Position Held

    2019 - 2024 

    Research Assistant

    Planetary Seismology Lab 

    Department of Earth Sciences

About me

                 No. 88, Section 4, Tingzhou Road, Wenshan District, 

                 Taipei City, Taiwan 

    2015/08 - 2017/08     M.S. in Geosciences 

                                          National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

    2011/08 - 2015/06     B.S. in Earth Science

                                          National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan 

1. Lin, C.-M., Tseng, T.‐L., Meliksetian, K., Karakhanian, A., Huang, B.‐S., Babayan, H., et al. (2020). Locally Thin Crust and High Crustal Vp/Vs Ratio beneath the Armenian Volcanic Highland of the Lesser Caucasus: A Case for Recent Delamination. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125. (PDF)

2. Lin, C.-M. (2017). Variations in crustal structure of the Lesser Caucasus and surrounding regions from teleseismic receiver functions, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, doi: 10.6342/NTU201703145, Master thesis (in Chinese), advised by Tai-Lin Tseng.


1. Yeh, H.-C., Lin, P.-Y. P., Yang, H.-Y., Tseng, T.-L., Lin, C.-M., Hung, S.-H., Tan, E., Wu, C.-R. (2023). Shear Velocity Structures in Southern Taiwan Revealed by Surface Wave Tomography Using Amphibious SALUTE Array. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, T21D-0221 (poster).

2. Lin, P.-Y. P., Yeh, H.-C., Lin, C.-M., Kuo, B.-Y., Hung, S.-H., Gung, Y. et al. (2020). Surface wave imaging of the lithosphere and asthenosphere system beneath north part of Okinawa Trough from NOT OBS array. Japanese Geophysical Union-American Geophysical Union (JpGU-AGU) Joint Meeting, Virtual Meeting (oral) Abstract.

3. Lin, P.-Y. P., Tong, J.-H., Lin, C.-M., Kuo, B.-Y. (2019). The ambient noise characteristics in the ocean bottom environment offshore Taiwan. AGU Fall Meeting, S33D-0606 (poster) Abstract.

4. Tseng, T.-L., Lin, C.-M., Huang, B.-S., Karakhanyan, A. (2017). Thin Crust and High Crustal Vp/Vs beneath the Central Armenia Plateau of the Lesser Caucasus.  AGU Fall Meeting (poster) Abstract.

5. Lin, C.-M., Tseng, T.-L., Huang, B.-S., Legendre, C. P., Karakhanian A. (2016). Variation in Crustal Structure of the Lesser Caucasus Region from Teleseismic Receiver Functions. AGU Fall Meeting (poster) Abstract.

2018 Vei-Chow Juan Thesis Award for the Best Master Thesis, Geological Society Located in Taipei.

2017  Outstanding Student Poster Award, Annual Conference of Geophysical Society and Geological Society in Taiwan.