Kean Faculty: How to Submit Your GenderMag Materials & Data


If you are Kean University faculty participating in the GenderMag NSF project, we need you to...

  1. Decide which courses you'll modify to include GenderMag concepts. For each course...

  2. Do this once: Submit the PRE version of your materials (before GenderMag concepts added) (see instructions below)

  3. Do this once: Submit the DEVELOPING version your materials (draft of your materials after GenderMag concepts added, not yet taught to students) (see instructions below)

    • We will send you feedback on your materials

  4. Do this after each term : Submit the POST version of your materials (after GenderMag concepts added, taught to students) and submit student data (see instructions below)

    • Deadline: One month after course taught

How to Submit Materials & Data

We need...

  1. Finalized teaching materials (e.g., lectures slides, etc.) with GenderMag concepts in them

  2. Finalized learning materials (e.g., assignments, in-class activities, labs, exams, etc.) with GenderMag concepts in them

  3. Graded student work, including assignments and exams, involving GenderMag concepts

  4. Spreadsheet containing...

    • Grades for the above graded student work

      1. We need to know even if a student didn't submit the assignment or got a zero/etc (assuming the student consented)

      2. We need to make sure the student IDs are correct as that's what allows us to connect to the DFW data

    • If GenderMag concepts were on exams, include grades for all course exams

  5. Numeric grading scales and the equivalent letter grades for all graded work you submit (e.g., GenderMag assignments, GenderMag exams, and all other course exams if applicable).

  6. A summary including...

    • Your name

    • How the materials were used (e.g., "During Week 2, students will split into groups in class and...")

    • Whether or not your course had teams and how the teams were formed (e.g., students selected their own teams, you assigned teams, a combination of both, etc.)

    • Other comments you have about the materials

  7. For an example, look here: <<link>>


Create a zip file of the above items and email to Required format:


    • XXXX is course number and AA is section number

NOTE: We will ONLY be able to see your attachments and your email address (we will not see email subject or body)

