Zhenyu Gao(高振宇)
Associate Professor in Finance
CUHK Business School
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Zhenyu Gao, Michael Sockin, and Wei Xiong (2021), “Learning about the Neighborhood,” Review of Financial Studies, Review of Financial Studies 34(9), 4323–4372.
Ran Duchin, Zhenyu Gao, and Haibing Shu (2020), “The Role of Government in Firm Outcomes,” Review of Financial Studies, 33(12), 5555-5593.
Zhenyu Gao, Michael Sockin and Wei Xiong (2020), “Economic Consequences of Housing Speculation,” Review of Financial Studies, 33(11), 5248-5287.
Darwin Choi, Zhenyu Gao, and Wenxi Jiang (2020), “Attention to Global Warming,” Review of Financial Studies, 33(3), 1112-1145.
Zhenyu Gao, Haohan Ren, and Bohui Zhang (2020), “Googling Investor Sentiment around the World,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 55(2), 549-580.
Darwin Choi, Zhenyu Gao, and Wenxi Jiang (2020), “Measuring the Carbon Exposure of Institutional Investors,” Journal of Alternative Investment, 23(1), 12-23.
Darwin Choi, Zhenyu Gao, and Wenxi Jiang (2020), “Invited Editorial Comment: Climate Change Implications for the Asset Management Industry,” Journal of Alternative Investments, 23 (2020), 8-11.
Chen Ting, Zhenyu Gao, Jibao He, Wenxi Jiang, and Wei Xiong (2019), “Daily Price Limits and Destructive Market Behaviour,” Journal of Econometrics, 208(1), 249-264.
Working papers
Structured Beliefs and Fund Performance: An LLM-Based Approach, with Wei Xiong and Jian Yuan
Scared Away: Credit Demand Response to Expected Motherhood Penalty in the Labor Market, with Darwin Choi, Singsen Lam, Tian Li, and Wenlan Qian
Daily Momentum and New Investors in an Emerging Stock Market, with Wenxi Jiang, Wei A. Xiong, and Wei Xiong
Carbon Firm Devaluation and Green Actions, with Darwin Choi, Wenxi Jiang, and Hulai Zhang
Green Preference, Green Investment, with Yan Luo, Shu Tian, and Hao Yang
Socially Green Nudges: Unveiling the Power of Peer Influence on Green Choices, with Yan Luo and Hao Yang
Mortgage Prepayment in China and Counter-Productive Monetary Policy, with Wenxi Jiang, Haohan Ren, Kemin Wang, and Yuezhi Wu
Climate Change and Households' Risk Taking, with Chanik Jo and Singsen Lam
Is Greenium a Reflection of Inflation Risk? with Yuyi He and Chanik Jo
Technology Competition and Informed Trading: Evidence from Weekly Patent Announcements, with Po-Hsuan Hsu and Sahn-Wook Huh
Investor Sentiment and Stock Return Comovement: the Roles of Information and Innovation, with Haohan Ren and Bohui Zhang
Institutional Investors and Market Sentiment: A Revisit, with Jiang Luo, Haohan Ren, and Bohui Zhang
Liquidity-based Stock Network, with Wenxi Jiang and Tian Da